Europeans suspend their health systems

by time news

2023-06-14 08:23:37

European citizens have scored their respective health systems and, in general, have suspended them. In the specific case of Spain, the best valued aspects, although none reach five, are quality and transparency, while financing is at the bottom.

These are results that emerge from the report prepared by the Foundation Institute for the Development and Integration of Health (IDIS)which brings together the private healthcare sector in Spain, and in which it a comparative analysis of the different European healthcare systems.

To do this, together with Sigma Dos, it has carried out a survey in Germany, France, spain y Portugalto more than 1,500 citizens for each country and whose data has been presented by the general director of IDIS, Marta Villanueva, together with the general director of Sigma Dos, Rosa Díaz.

Based on the opinions collected from citizens on different aspects of health, the document incorporates an index of satisfaction with the health system –Socio-sanitary Well-being Index (IBS)– which, according to IDIS, specifies the situation of the health system in each country analysed.

The participants in the conference of the IDIS Foundation. PHOTO EFEsalud/BPC

The document, presented within the framework of the conference “The pulse of Health in Europe. Health Systems Survey”, shows that, in generalthe scores are “quite low”In fact, they oscillate between 40 and 60 out of 100.

In this way, the total valuation index does not reach more than 44.38 on average; and it is the French system that obtains the best rating (48.4), followed by the German (44.4), Spanish (44.1) and Portuguese (40.7).

In Spain

The scores of the Spanish to the different aspects of the system, according to the IBS, are headed by the quality (48.4), followed by transparency (46) and equity (45.8), efficiency (45.8) and patient focus (45.7).

In the case of transparency, for example, citizens have been asked about the accessibility of their clinical results and the possibility of sharing their clinical history.

below the table, financing is the one that takes the worst part (36.3)as well as innovation and technology in the healthcare system (41.5).

Comparative analysis of the four countries

In the comparative analysis of the four countries, quality is the aspect that receives the highest scores (50.1), led by Germany, followed by France, Spain and Portugal; the approach to the patient (47.9) is also one of the most valued in a score that leads the French country, while Spain is once again in third place.

From left to right: The general director of Sigma Dos, Rosa Díaz, and the general director of the IDIS Foundation, Marta Villanueva. PHOTO EFEsalud/BPC

Asked about the ease of access to healthcare regardless of their socioeconomic situation and the area of ​​the country in which they live, the index in France is the highest (48.4), ahead of Spain (45.8 ), Germany (42.8) and Portugal (37.9).

Regarding whether healthcare professionals are treated well, once again it is the French who most frequently consider this to be the case (52), followed by Spain (43.8), Portugal (41) and Germany (40.4).

The survey also asked citizens about the degree of participation that exists between the public sector and the private sector and on this occasion, Spain is the one with the highest score, after France, Portugal and Germany.

The table of the valuation of the European health systems is also closed by financing (39.5) and innovation and technology (41.1).

Need for coordination and collaboration in Europe?

The document also shows the difference in the assessment of the need for collaboration and coordination in Europe. Thus, the citizens of Spain and Portugal attach more importance to this area than those of France and Germany.

According to the IDIS Foundation, this result could be interpreted as greater self-sufficiency with their own health systems in these last two countries, while the Spanish and Portuguese show a greater need for collaboration with other states.

There is even greater agreement that Europe assumes more powers in the Iberian countries (Spain and Portugal) compared to Germany and France. However, the average of the four countries shows that more than half of those surveyed agree with this aspect.

“Total rethinking” of European healthcare systems

In the act, the president of the IDIS Foundation, Juan Abarcahas stressed that European health systems require a “total rethinking” because they have not adapted correctly to the demographic evolution of the population and, in his opinion, this is shown by the low scores of citizens.

The president of the IDIS Foundation, Juan Abarca. PHOTO EFEsalud/BPC

On this, Abarca has opined that that rethinking should be led by the EUand focus on prevention, personalization of treatments, in addition to promoting education and healthy habits among the population.

The day ended with a debate on healthcare in Europe, in which the director of the Gaspar Casal Foundation, Juan del Llano-Señarís; the director of the Department of Studies of Farmaindustria, Pedro Luis Sánchez; Roland Berger’s senior consultant, Ignacio Riesgo; and the director of EFEsalud, Javier Tovar.

#Europeans #suspend #health #systems

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