Eva Kaili | The vice president of the European Parliament, under arrest for corruption, money laundering and criminal organization

by time news

The biggest corruption scandal that has hit Brussels in recent years broke out on Friday after confirmation by the Belgian federal tax of a series of searches and arrests around a alleged corruption and bribery scheme orchestrated by Qatar to influence the decision-making of the European Parliament. According to the latest statement issued this Sunday by the Belgian public prosecutor’s office, four of the six people arrested on Friday have been charged with participation in criminal organization, money laundering and corruption. Although she has not confirmed the names, according to the Belgian press, among them is the Greek MEP and vice president of the European Parliament, Eva Kaili (44 years old).

The Public Prosecutor’s Office has confirmed that there are a total of six people arrested on Friday within the framework of the macro-investigation, which started last July, after suspicions that “a Gulf country” was trying to influence the economic and political decisions of the European Parliament. Specifically, the authorities suspect “that large sums of money were paid or significant gifts were offered to third parties with a political and/or strategic position in the European Parliament to influence their decisions.” Regardless of Kaili’s identity, the case will involve Kaili’s father, her partner and her parliamentary aide, Francesco Giorgithe former Italian Social Democrat MEP and Chairman of the NGO Fight Impunity, Pier Antonio Panzerias well as Luca Visentini, who became General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation a month ago.

Four of the six individuals, according to the prosecution, have been placed under arrest by the Brussels investigating judge who is leading the investigation, Michel Claise, accused of belonging to a criminal organization, money laundering and corruption. The other two detainees have been released by the judge although their identities have not been confirmed. Among the four detainees, according to the Belgian press, would be Kaili, Giorgi and Panzeri while Kaili’s father, caught on Friday trying to leave a hotel in Brussels with a suitcase full of money, would have been released just like Visentini although with terms. The fourth arrested, according to the Ansa agency, would be Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, the person in charge of the aforementioned NGO in Brussels.

operation in progress

The operation, however, has not finished and records are still being made. This past Saturday night the authorities also carried out a search at the home of the Belgian Socialist MEP Marc Tarabella, who has been called by the vigilance committee of his party to give explanations. The authorities seized computer equipment and his phone, although the politician has not been arrested. Last Friday the office of a former collaborator of his in the European Parliament – who had also been one of Panzeri, from whom 600,000 euros in cash were seized at his home – was already registered in the Eurochamber.

This is the second active MEP to be formally questioned, after the arrest on Friday “in flagrante delicto” of the Greek MEP who has been expelled “with immediate effect” from the group of Socialists and Democrats and from its formation, the PASOK whose president has been accused of acting “like a Trojan horse of the New Democracy (the Greek conservative party)”. In addition, since this Saturday she is suspended from all her powers and powers as one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament.

“Our European Parliament stands firm against corruption. At this time we cannot comment on any ongoing investigation, except to confirm that we have fully cooperated with all relevant law enforcement and judicial authorities and will continue to do so. We will do everything possible to help justice be done”, declared this Saturday the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola. The Social Democrats have also announced that they will request the dismissal of Kaili as vice president at the next meeting of the conference of presidents of the Eurochamber. “Given the investigation, Eva Kaili should be replaced as president of the institution to protect the respectability of the institution and the trust of citizens,” said the president of the socialists, Iratxe García.

visa liberalization

The European left and the greens have not only condemned the alleged corruption plot but have called for an in-depth investigation into what happened. In addition, the Greens have announced their willingness to block visa liberalization with Qatar, which should allow Qatari citizens to travel to the EU for up to 90 days without having to apply for a visa. Precisely, the plenary session of the European Parliament approved in November a resolution on the situation of human rights in Qatar in which it affirmed that the country has managed to host the World Cup amid credible accusations of bribery and corruption. In that debate, Kaili sided with the Gulf country and led him to affirm that “the World Cup in Qatar is concrete proof of how sports diplomacy can achieve a historic transformation of a country in which reforms inspire the Arab world .

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“While this may be the most egregious case of alleged corruption the European Parliament has seen in many years, it is not an isolated incident. For many decades, Parliament has allowed a culture of impunity to develop, with a combination of rules and lax financial controls and a complete lack of independent ethical oversight (or, in fact, any). In many ways, it has become a law unto itself,” denounced the director of Transparency International EU.

In a statement issued this Sunday, Qatar’s mission to the EU has “categorically” rejected any attempt to associate the country with the scandal. “Any association of the Qatari government with the reported claims is baseless and seriously misinformed,” they say in a brief statement in which they claim to be committed and work in full compliance with international laws and regulations.

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