Evaluation at the service of education – Diario de Centro América

by time news

2023-05-02 10:52:38

Photos: courtesy Mineduc

The effects of the pandemic on the learning of students is a reality that requires focused attention to strengthen the process educational and guarantee the goals educationalconsidering as a starting point the results of the evaluations carried out prior to the health crisis.

In countries of the region, a decrease in the average of the results obtained in the evaluations has been reported. standardized applied to students between the years 2020 and 2021 (IDB, 2022; Lichand, et al., 2021). Projections of the impact of the pandemic on the learning they estimate that 2 out of 3 students in the lower secondary cycle could fall below the minimum level of performance (World Bank, 2021, p. 9).

The educational system has continued its functions.

Los studies carried out internationally show evidence of the lag and decline in learning progress as a result of the closure of schools in 2020, since in many countries 70 percent of 10-year-old children have presented difficulties to read and understand a simple text (UNICEF, 2022; OECD, 2022; Chetty, et al., 2020).

Despite the conditions 2021, with the support of the public sector teachers, 1.9 million students of all levels were evaluated educational and in 2022 the goal was exceeded by reaching 2.2 million students evaluated.

Although the classes face-to-face were interrupted, the educational system continued its educational function through the implementation of different modalities unprecedented in the country. Consequently, the timely information provided by the evaluations learning to inform decision-making and drive results-based strategies.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education analyzed different scenarios to continue with his formative work, accompanied by evaluation processes with which the Skills developed by students in the National educative system.

This is how the challenge of innovating with the evaluation processes that are carried out to the studentsstarting for the first time with the implementation of a assessment of a formative nature called Learn+, which is being used as a resource to support teaching work to identify and also provide targeted attention to students who require the most attention for their leveling in the grade they are in.

Despite the adverse sanitary conditions caused by COVID-19, in 2021 it was achieved with the support of the magisterium of the public sector that 1.9 million schoolchildren of all educational levels were evaluated and in 2022 the goal was exceeded by reaching 2.2 million students evaluated.
Even though the evaluation of graduates is suspended in 2020 for the health security of the educational community, the Ministry of Education initiated the transition from a traditional format evaluation applied in paper and pencil towards a assessment online as an alternative to continue with this process and generate indicators of learning of the graduates of the system.

Technological bus.

By 2022, more than 89 percent of graduates evaluated reported having access to an electronic device, 99 percent use the Internet to do school tasks and 88 percent considered that at the end of the cycle diversified their academic preparation received was necessary.

In 2021 a study was carried out exploratory with graduates nationwide, in which 26,910 students from all educational sectors voluntarily tested themselves with the use of electronic devices. This was the first time that the Ministry of Education conducts an assessment of students through an online platform. Although these types of evaluations require overcoming internet connectivity challenges, the study allowed us to know the feasibility so that in 2022 the implementation of the evaluation of online graduates began.

These evaluations allow us to explore the access to technology and the Internet in the educational population of the secondary level, both at home and in the schools. By 2022, more than 89 percent of the evaluated graduates reported having access to an electronic device, 99 percent use the Internet to do school work, and 88 percent of those evaluated that year considered that at the end of the diversified cycle their preparation academic received was necessary.

The commitment of Ministry of Education is to continue with the innovation of the evaluation process, taking into account experiences such as that of 2022 and in which a technological bus provided computers, self-sustaining energy and internet to graduates to carry out the evaluation.

Initiatives like this will continue this year to facilitate access to technology and conduct learning analyses.

Evaluation results provide inputs for designing evidence-based interventions

The results of evaluations such as Aprender+ provide inputs for designing evidence-based interventions, such as Strategy for the Improvement of Learning (EMA), implemented as of 2022, whose purpose is to support primary school students with tutorials to reinforce their essential reading comprehension skills and mathematical knowledge. National and international institutions have joined this strategy so that the educational community can continue the learning process and help students who were most affected by the pandemic.

Also since 2021, the Ministry of Education has evidence that graduating students who take the Learning Improvement Exerciser are more likely to achieve higher performance levels in the evaluation of graduates compared to those who do not use it.

This institution takes into account the results of the evaluations and their evidence to follow up on the proposed strategies, since these represent challenges for the National Education System, so for this year it will focus efforts and resources for the implementation of the national education program. reading and mathematics from pre-primary to the diversified cycle.

The Strategy for the Improvement of Learning will also continue, which was born as a result of the evaluations carried out and which includes a tutoring program for students who need it most, coordinating with different local and international entities to reach the regions with the most needs. through various modalities and forms of educational delivery, whether face-to-face, virtual, through the use of telephone messages, and others.

The Ministry of Education recognizes the need to continue strengthening the national system of educational evaluations, as a methodological and scientific source for decision-making, based on evidence, which contributes to providing learning opportunities for children and youth in Guatemala.

• With information from the Mineduc

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