[Evaluation]”WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” free setting of camp facilities + a variety of mechanisms to fight monsters

by time news

A number of popular games were released in February. Recently, the high-definition version of “Monster Hunter Rise” was released on Ps4/5 and Xbox consoles, but players who own the Switch version seem unwilling to pay. However, another game company previously released a brand new co-fighting game, and “WILD HEARTS Wild Heart” jointly created by the glorious “Dynasty Warriors” series team ω-Force and EA Originals, although the theme uses The feudal Japanese style is very similar to Koei’s co-fighting game “Toukiden”, but in fact, apart from the fact that the screen is not at the same level as “Touk”, the official release of the shocking large-scale monster battle screen. The feature of “WILD HEARTS” this time also mentions the combat support system of “Internet”, which is related to “Internet” both in combat and in collecting elements. Although WILD HEARTS has provided a 10-hour trial play recently and there have been sneak runs on the market, the general evaluation is unexpectedly low. After the Unwire test, I decided to make an in-depth evaluation for everyone. Let everyone know the fun of the game.

▲The opening effect of Wild Hearts is very good

▲The heroine is very fragrant

▲The shape of the Japanese feudal period

Formulated storyline from saving the village to the world

The story of “WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” is no different from Toukiden and Monster Hunter. The player protagonist is a hunter who wants to go to the land of the East to hunt down the monsters, but unfortunately, after being knocked down by some kind of monsters, he is killed. People were rescued by implanting a technology called “network”. From then on, the protagonist can use the ability of “network” to fight against the beasts. However, after the investigation, it was found that the main reason for the constant attack of the beasts was not related to the beasts that attacked the protagonist, but that there were more fierce and evil beasts waiting for everyone behind. The reason why the beasts are staring at the village is because it involves the energy of the village. There are continuous researches and interpretations, and the protagonist has to save the village from being destroyed. But one wave after another, even if the village problem is solved, the protagonist still needs to face his own physical changes, so as to continue to cross the mainland and continue to explore the mystery of the Eastern Land.

▲Meet the cover beast

▲Everything is the beginning of network transfer

▲ Save the village from being destroyed

The game experience that is close to the soul system needs to be improved.

Many people have misunderstood the gameplay of “WILD HEARTS”. Just when everyone thought that the game should be similar to the MH, GE, and Tougui series, you can exchange blood for blood to fight monsters happily. In “Wild Hearts”, the gameplay results are close to the soul system , in the game has a super high round damage, although the game will “take care” of new players at the beginning, the movement of the big monster will be slow, and it may take three or four hits before being killed. The game also maintains a system of three chances, allowing players to still have different fault tolerance rates. After the player enters Novice Village, the player will experience a straight-up increase in difficulty, and it is likely to end with a set of combo skills or a couple of hits, which will bring a lot of frustration and challenges to the player. . Although the battle screen is of a certain level under the new generation consoles, as an action game, the impact is very weak, and it has a weak impact that can’t go away side by side with Nioh and Toukiden.

▲There seems to be no sense of shock

▲But the screen does like it

▲Accidentally die at any time

The ever-changing mechanism of winding mechanism creates more fancy gameplay

Although the difficulty of “WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” is challenging, the most surprising thing is that the game does not promote defense, but focuses on using the combat system “network mechanism” to dodge. With the storyline, players will first come into contact with a single “window mechanism”, but later players will start to see some combination effects. As long as the player is proficient in the network mechanism system, the game will actually become relatively simple. However, the combination of organs is a bit strange. When you need to fight against a specific “beast”, the random QTE at the moment of being attacked, as long as you miss it, you have to wait for being attacked to learn the skill. This method makes people feel quite strange. When I hit the last chapter of the evaluation, I found that it was already several “network mechanisms” worse than other online players. Then the specific “wind mechanism” will deal more damage to the specific beast. Since the teaching is only once, although the formula will be remembered at the moment, if you retrieve the formula, the current evaluation only shows that you need to go to the skill tree to see the combination method one by one. inconvenient. However, in “WILD HEARTS Wild Heart”, you can use the “winding mechanism” no matter what weapon the player uses, you can find a method that suits you.

▲ Use the platform to create more space

▲ Fusion has a better effect

▲This effect is like a flash bomb

Follow the example of Death Stranding to freely set up daily facilities and respawn points

One of the more interesting things about “WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” is that players are free to build any facility anywhere, no matter in the village or on the land of beasts. There are two types of melodies in the game: basic (fusion) melodies and dragon melodies. The former is used for combat as mentioned above, while the dragon veins are used for daily infrastructure and life. Even the camp at the resurrection point can be freely set up with limited resources. Players need to open the dragon veins on the map, and certain values ​​​​will be increased. The upper limit can be strengthened up to five levels. As long as the upper limit of the dragon veins is not exceeded, you can build infrastructure on the map at will. In the middle of the game, you can build some facilities that help players find all the ingredients and even process them. You can also build some facilities that are convenient for running the map, such as ziplines. Players can Quickly move to every location on the map without being restricted by the terrain. Finally, you can also pre-set forts or terrain mechanisms on the field, which will help the beasts to fight after they arrive at the field. And when the player destroys the chemical warfare part, he will get the beast orb, which can be strengthened according to his own preferences in the network skill calculation.

▲Opening the dragon vein will increase the upper limit

▲ Players can spread ziplines instead of walking

▲Transportation is also a good choice

Japanese-style equipment and appearance Humane and beastly skill changes

The equipment in “WILD HEARTS Wild Heart” is no longer a single appearance and strengthening function. Let me first say that the appearance of the armor in the game has its own characteristics, and they are all more Japanese-style feudal-style clothing, such as samurai outfits, ninja outfits, ronin outfits, etc., and the most satisfying part is the detail of the appearance of the equipment. The specific beast material required for the armor can really be seen from the appearance. Although it is not obvious, I think It is also one of the hard work. Of course, there are additional skills on the equipment, and most especially, both weapons and armor have humane and animalistic systems. When wearing certain armors, there will be specific humane or combat values, but they can be triggered when they exceed a certain value. Skills, since the game does not have set skills, players only need to focus on equipment skills when combining players. Even in amulet skills, there are related humane and animal effects. Of course, if the value is not enough, you can carry out the humane combat transformation. In addition to the great changes in appearance, the attribute value and human-beast value will also be improved. Players can freely combine their own pleasing and convenient skills according to the skills.

▲Normal, humane, and beastly displays of the head under the same armor

▲Weapons and amulets also have normal, humane, and animal skills

The animal’s single action mode anti-blocking mechanism

In “WILD HEARTS Wild Heart” and “Monster Hunter World” are also semi-open areas, but the action mode of the beast will make players feel irritated, because the game has an anti-blocking mechanism, as long as the beast is too far away from the area , it will automatically pass through the zone or walk back to the original place, even if the attack is too far away, except that the value is only 1, the externalized beast will also pass through the zone. It is relatively unfriendly to players who attack weapons at a long distance, and the system often triggers this mechanism, causing players to be unable to hunt on the road. Another strange thing about the game is that when you trigger one of the beasts After the battle, it is impossible to trigger the battle of other beasts. When the player tries to attack other beasts, they will automatically pass the zone. In this way, you will not be attacked by two beasts at the same time, but on the contrary, these mechanisms make the game unreal, but this is a difficulty in high-difficulty games, so you can understand it. However, the former’s slotting mechanism means that one-third of a game is spent chasing monsters, and the damage will pass through the zone to a certain extent, the attack will pass the zone if it is too far away, and the beast will pass the zone if it is too far away from the field. This should be regarded as the most unfriendly place in the game.

▲ Only 1 damage

▲ Spend a lot of time chasing monsters

There are too many elements to collect and the prompts are seriously insufficient

During the initial evaluation of the game, you will feel that there are a large number of collection elements on the map, including equipment materials, dragon vein materials, food materials, and a collection element called “fusang”. At the beginning, I felt that it was very diverse and interesting. I didn’t expect that the nightmare would start in the middle of the game. As the game progresses, you need to build better equipment. I understand that this type of co-fighting game will be more “liver”, but some materials are not even shown in the illustrated book, and even the probability of appearing is extremely low, and the method of obtaining it is confusing. Although some creatures or materials are marked on the map, they are marked in dots and their names cannot be known. It can only be said that making a game requires players to remember the location of the map and they are too confident. These situations need to be adapted slowly, but relatively new Players are really unfriendly. The game system prompts are also quite unfriendly. It will only be mentioned once and the player may go to the teaching guide to review, and there may not be clear instructions. Can be found in the skill tree.

▲The evaluation is to upgrade the high-level master to find out that the low-level materials are needed, but the illustration book does not explain

▲ There are only point diagrams for organisms and materials

Frame drops in performance mode are also serious Advantages of multiplayer mode

Under “WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” on PS5, the options of “Performance Priority” and “Resolution Priority” are provided. As long as combat scenes are involved in the game, there will be obvious frame drops, and if there are too many special effects in the situation, it will make the situation worse. more serious. Especially in multiplayer mode, when players use weapon skills or network fusion at the same time, it will feel unnatural and similar to a slight stuck situation. Although it is officially stated that the PC version will provide fixes in the future, it is unknown whether the console version will also be improved, so it is recommended to choose “Performance Priority” no matter what. In multiplayer games, although frame drops are serious, the fun will of course be improved a lot. In multiplayer mode, players can communicate and cooperate with the Internet to help distract the beasts. The biggest advantage is that they will not return to the camp immediately if they are knocked down. , but there is a waiting time for other players to help save them. It is worth mentioning that the game supports cross-platform connection, and can connect with other players using EA functions on other platforms.

▲The doors on the map can be used for random multiplayer connection

▲PS players can switch between EA and PS friends list

▲It is recommended to use performance mode

Summary: A fighting game with high gameplay but not mature enough

“WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” has a very unique style in terms of style or game. You can not only enjoy the scenes and shapes of the Japanese feudal era, but also enjoy the fun of difficult hunting. For players who like to use technology to move positions or pursue multi-playability, “Wild Heart” will definitely give good expectations to sub-players, but due to the weak sense of attack and the game’s frame drop problem, the score on fluency Failed to get good reviews. From “Wild Heart”, it can be seen that the game really wants to break away from the framework of the fighting game as much as possible. It is no longer a model of exchanging blood for blood, and it is no longer a model that only emphasizes simple positioning and attacking weaknesses. In response to the attack of the beast, the player uses the twister to turn the crisis into an opportunity, and it also provides a very diverse gameplay for the weapon. Another thing the game wants to bring to players is the real hunter element. They can set up camps or facilities according to their own preferences, and can help with fishing or making food, etc. In the middle of the game, they can even set up their own useful furniture. Freedom and play Sex is more. However, what players need to consider is that the difficulty of the game can be said to rise in a straight line. In the later stage, the beasts will make players feel deeply malicious in terms of attack speed and range. For players who are not good at action games, they may have to think again. And the other thing I think is that the game needs a lot of “liver” to collect materials, and also has to face annoying card position problems, and players need to spend more time adapting to the game. Although the general evaluation of the fluency is not good, it will not cover up the gameplay of “Wild Hearts”. It’s just that the game is not yet mature and needs to be improved by the official, but no matter what, “WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” is still worth recommending to those who like it. Players of fighting games and action games.

▲Battles using mechanism

▲The giant boss battle is really shocking

▲Each chemical war has an ending screen

▲ There is a higher position behind the game

TIPS 1: “Fusang” is a good partner of stand-alone

On the exploration map of “WILD HEARTS Wild Heart”, you will randomly encounter a partner named “Fusang”. There are 50 of them on each map for players to find. Although there are a lot of them, collecting them can improve Fusang’s ability, such as attack power Defense, etc., the biggest advantage is that it can increase the number of times the winding is used, allowing players to set up more organs in the process. Therefore, players may wish to collect them by the way while chasing monsters. Fusang can not only attack, but also make up the number of times the network is used. When the player dies frequently, it will help attract attention, so Fusang is a very useful little helper, but it is not Does not appear in multiplayer mode. In the middle of the game, the game will prompt the player to pay the funeral, so that there is no need to worry about the collection being disordered.

▲ You can find funerals on the road

▲ Upgrade can have skills and upper limit

▲The highest level is 10

TIPS 2: When you are short of money, check to see if you have cleaned up the material

“WILD HEARTS Wild Hearts” tasks get very little money, and often lack money due to enhancements or decorations. The main reason is that some materials need to be sold manually in the store. Although I haven’t found out what the meaning is, but the player mainly goes to the store to sell the materials of the money icon, and the normal money situation should be restored. If you still lack money in the early stage, it is recommended to sell all the ingredients, so that you can use thousands of dollars more for other places.

▲Remember to sell money materials

TIPS 3: Weapon Inheritance Enhancement Function

In addition to the main skills on the weapon, there will also be additional skills, the former cannot be inherited but the latter additional skills can be inherited. If you want to create a weapon that suits you, you can first check the extension of the strengthening route. The game is very considerate and you can spend a small amount of money to return the materials, so players can first focus on attack power with limited materials, and wait until there is enough to upgrade. Weapons will return materials to upgrade.

▲There are many branches, you can choose what you like

▲ Degradation can return materials

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