Evening of the first round of the presidential election: the Macronists want to avoid the “Rotonde effect”

by time news

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Thinking of the Sunday evening to come, a relative of Emmanuel Macron takes this bet: “You can book at La Rotonde, it will be calm! A funny way of indicating that this first round presidential election evening will have to be “much more sober” than that of 2017. Because, according to our information, it is from his campaign headquarters, rue d’Edimbourg ( Paris VIIIe), that the candidate president will speak after the proclamation of the results.

Its teams expect between 500 and 1,000 journalists to accredit. Problem, the largest room of the HQ, can accommodate up to 300 people. They are therefore looking for a room in the neighborhood – “but they are already almost all taken”, it is said – while examining the possibility of closing the two adjacent streets to traffic, in order to retransmit the speech there on screens. Shortly before the results, a strategic campaign committee will be held at HQ, around 6:30 p.m., followed by a video meeting with the departmental correspondents of the campaign.

“We must draw the consequences of what did not work”

The idea is not, however, swears a strategist, to make “a gathering of militant enthusiasm”. Because the Macronists want to avoid replaying the failure of five years ago: salute to the crowd from the sixth floor of the HQ, large rally with the scent of victory at the Porte de Versailles (Paris 15th), festive dinner at the brasserie La Rotonde recalling Le Fouquet’s by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007… As if the candidate of En Marche! had already won, when he faced Marine Le Pen in the final.

If their champion qualifies again for the second round, his lieutenants do not want to relive “the sluggish start of the last campaign between two rounds” either. An executive office of the party is already scheduled for Monday morning, as well as a meeting of LREM deputies at 3 p.m. “La Rotonde was quirky. Marine Le Pen was in the game, and we got off to a bad start, summarizes a history by remembering 2017. We must draw the consequences of what did not work. “Especially, underline some elected officials, that Macron this time “had trouble getting into” the campaign for… the first round, to the point of instilling “doubt” even in his camp.

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