“Every criminal act in Rosario will be judged as terrorism” 2024-03-09 17:54:19

by time news

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, warned that they are going to go all out against drug trafficking in Rosario. “If an urgent stop is not put” on drug trafficking, “violence will continue to escalate,” which is why she anticipated that the criminal acts will be judged as “acts of terrorism.”

«As we said many times, Rosario is one of our priorities in terms of security. And although we have been working from minute 1 to bring peace to citizens, crime and organized crime do not rest and do not give up,” said the national official.

Through a statement addressed to “the population of Rosario,” the head of the police portfolio stressed: “The entire country saw the terrible events that occurred in recent days, and “If we do not put an urgent stop, the violence will continue to escalate.”

In that sense, he warned that “Rosario bleeds and does not need a simple tourniquet to improve, but it needs a definitive cure.

«That’s why we are going to go deep. Firmly, without our pulse shaking,” she remarked.

Likewise, he highlighted the call to the Crisis Committee and stressed that together with the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, and the heads of the Federal Forces they will “take the necessary measures so that any act of violence perpetrated on public roads or in the interior of public places is initially considered an attempt to terrorize the population or condition the authorities and, therefore, it will be reported as an act of terrorism.

“We also plan request the support of the Armed Forces, always within the terms of the Internal Security Law,” he added.

Bullrich explained that “in such a context, the perpetrators of these crimes may suffer double the penalty provided for the act committed.”

«For this purpose, article 41 quinques of the Penal Code will apply, which literally says that ‘when any of the crimes provided for in this Code have been committed with the purpose of terrorizing the population or forcing national public authorities or governments foreigners or agents of an international organization to carry out an act or refrain from doing so, “The scale will increase by double the minimum and maximum,” he said.

Given this, he stressed that «Rosario cannot wait any longer. The people of Rosario can’t wait any longer. Today they are afraid to leave their homes. “That’s going to end.”

2024-03-09 17:54:19

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