Every third Russian does not plan to buy a car

by time news

2023-09-24 23:00:15

Among Russians surveyed by VTsIOM, 41% have never owned a car. The survey (Vedomosti has the results) was conducted on September 5–7, 1,706 respondents took part in the study. 31% of respondents do not intend to buy a car in the future.

At the same time, 10% of those who do not have a car plan to buy one in the near future. Of these, there are more women than men (12% versus 9%) and citizens aged 18 to 24 years (34% of respondents). Among young people aged 25–34 years old, 23% intend to purchase a vehicle, and among 35–44 year olds – 10%. Among respondents 45–59 years old, 4% are preparing for this step.

But 58% of Russians surveyed have ever owned a car (men most often answer positively – 71%, women – 47%).

As the survey showed, the majority of Russians buy cars at least once every 6 years. Once every 6–10 years, 29% of respondents make a new purchase, less often than after 10 years – 28%. This strategy is especially popular among the older generation (41%).

Almost every fourth Russian (24%) drives one car all his life. Only 3% of respondents can afford to change their car once every 2–3 years, and this is more typical among young people (16% aged 18–24 years).

Less than 1% of Russians buy a car every year. 14% get a new car every 4–5 years. 2% found it difficult to answer the question about purchase frequency.

Among the factors that are taken into account when buying a car, the top 3 Russians included: price (65%); functionality and characteristics (48%); efficiency and fuel consumption (32%).

Aspects such as the car brand (25%) and warranty, cost of maintenance and repair (24%) are almost on the same position. Least of all respondents care about the uniqueness of the car (1%), they are slightly more interested in innovative functions and safety systems (4%). Design and appearance, as well as personal experience of purchasing a car, are of concern to 15%; opportunities for family and travel are important to 13%. A total of 24% of Russians are guided by public opinion.

Gender specificity when choosing a car is weakly expressed, the authors of the study believe. Men and women pay attention to almost the same things, but women are slightly more interested in efficiency and fuel consumption (35% versus 29%).

In 2022, to the question of VTsIOM “Does your family have a car?” 45% of Russians responded positively. From a gender perspective, the responses were almost evenly divided: 48% men and 43% women. 10 years ago, according to a 2013 FOM survey, there were almost the same number of male motorists (76%) as there are now, but 2 times fewer women (24%) drove a car. Moreover, then 66% of all motorists noted that a car is an essential item that cannot be lived without.

Car sales in Russia are growing against the backdrop of last year’s ultra-low base, Vedomosti wrote on July 5. After the start of the special military operation, all foreign car manufacturers and importers operating in the Russian market, with the exception of Chinese brands, stopped work. Over the past 1.5 years, many of them have completely left Russia. As a result, the basis of the market in Russia is domestic and Chinese vehicles.

Sales of passenger cars in Russia in January–August increased by 41% year-on-year to 607,000 units. It is expected that for the whole of 2023, between 950,000 and 1 million of these cars will be sold, compared to 626,300 units a year earlier.

“Now people prefer to use free funds to save or invest,” says Markets Money Power analyst Sergei Ramaninov. – After another increase in the key rate of the Central Bank (to 13% on September 15. – Vedomosti), car loans became more expensive, and this despite the fact that the market had barely begun to recover after last year’s fall caused by the departure of large brands from Russia and the restructuring of spare parts supply chains “

The reluctance of people to buy a new car may also be due to increased prices for gasoline and auto parts, suggested Alexander Sinelnikov, a professor at the Department of Sociology of Family and Demography at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University.

Social psychologist Alexey Roshchin calls 41% of respondents who have never owned a car an “optimistic figure.” In his opinion, the car is becoming a luxury.

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