‘Everyone wants a phenomenon’, new biography on Fabri Fibra in the bookstore

by time news

2023-06-21 14:25:35

‘Everyone wants a phenomenon, the story of Fabri Fibra’ is the title of the new biography by Michele Monina, published by Il Castello brand Chinaski editions. Monina, a fellow citizen of Fibra, inaugurates the volume precisely from this commonality of origins to analyze and explain a phenomenology, rather than an artist. In his colloquial and direct style, he prepares the reader with a geo-anthropological analysis of Senigallia, Ancona and the Marches. That cultural background where the protagonist was born and evolved, becoming one of the most controversial personalities on the national music scene. The province and the impulse to rap after a concert by Assalti Frontali in 1992 (“Militant A’s words hit Fabrizio’s face like a punch. From this moment he begins to write his first ramshackle rhymes in notebooks and diaries”) .

From the first Men di Mare formation, to the support of Neffa (“He set the metric for me, he explained to me that I had to work more on long words than on short ones”) and the solo debut in 2002 with the album ‘Turbe Giovanili’. Abandoning his first jobs as an accountant and worker, Fibra becomes that complete artist who more than anyone else has managed to find an Italian way to rap. Between paradoxes and ruthless cynicism, the rapper is distinguished by a politically incorrect and sarcastic approach in his behavior, as in writing. Monina highlights his nonsense, sometimes a manifestation of an eccentric personality, in other cases the result of some discographic and communicative compromise.

The chapters of the book chronologically analyze his discography, from the first steps with demos and mixtapes to the mass success of 2006 with the album ‘Betrayal’ up to the last work ‘Caos’ of 2022. Between the methodical analysis of rhymes and most significant events in the artist’s history, there is no shortage of insights and anecdotes. From the relationship with his brother Nesli to his manager Paola Zukar, from the accusations of homophobia to those received by the President of the Juvenile Court of Milan, up to a trial against Valerio Scanu. Among dozens of dissings sent and received (Tormento, Vacca, Fedez, Miss Simpatia, Grido… just to name a few), Monina draws a passionate portrait of the protagonist by bringing out the fine line between Fabri Fibra and Fabrizio Tarducci in chiaroscuro. In the background, a cross-section of our country’s showbiz, and in particular the rap game of our country compared with the history of international hip-hop culture.

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