Everything is ready for the ninth edition of the “CartaCarbone” festival in Treviso

by time news

Time.news – Three days of dialogue between literature and science, information, philosophy and new methods of creation and communication. The IX edition of the Treviso CartaCarbone literary festival will be held from Thursday 13 to Sunday 16 October, conceived by Bruna Graziani and Il Portolano, the Treviso autobiographical and narrative writing school that in 15 years of activity he has brought thousands of people closer to writing.

The program includes important guests including Stefano Calabrese, Matteo Caccia, Ginevra Bompiani, Andrea Cortellessa, Marco Peano, Vasco Mirandola, Riccardo Pittis, Matteo Righetto, Sonia Aggio, Alice Basso. 2022 flourishes with literary recurrences to which CartaCarbone pays tribute with various Oltrefestival events, of a mixed nature, in transition between the arts. Among others, the centenary of the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini and Luigi Meneghello, the centenary of the death of Marcel Proust.

For the opening event of the ninth edition, scheduled for Thursday 13th, CartaCarbone is organizing an evening open to the general public with the biologist Sammy Basso. It is an explicit invitation to explore unknown worlds: those of the inevitable accidentality of those who are born bringing a different ability into existence (in his case progeria), but above all those of those who have been able to take action by finalizing their thoughts to the next generations, focusing on research. and commitment, on the potential of experimentation.

The Ariadne’s thread of innovation, the passion for new languages ​​seems to innervate more than one of the planned events. Undoubtedly the one who will see on stage at the Cinema Corso, Sunday 16 October, at 20.30, Barbascura X, “the punk of scientific dissemination”, writer, youtuber with thousands of followers, comedian and TV presenter. Giacomo Moro Mauretto talks with him.

The scenic conference by Patrizio Roversi is also among the most anticipated events (October 15 at 21.00) entitled “The journeys that we will no longer be able to do”, the narration of three places that for different reasons have irremediably changed. From the Svalbard Islands, to Yemen to the most remote of the regions of Nepal, Mustang. As usual, the Festival is divided into several thematic and programmatic sections. In Contrappunti space for literary writing and authors, going beyond the usual presentation formula. On stage a moderator and several authors with their books in an alternative meeting, often with the contribution of multimedia content, readings and music.

Among the appointments that of Saturday 15 October at the Stefanini Auditorium, at 4 pm, with Francesco Zanolla, Desy Icardi and Marco Peano, told by Luna Romeo Fulvio. Which passes the baton to the one with Ginevra Bompiani and Stefano Brugnolo. Among them an exceptional counterpoint: Andrea Cortellessa.

On Sunday 16th, at the Stefanini Auditorium, there will also be Anna Sandri, Silvia Zanardi, Sonia Aggio, Barbara Cagni and Enzo Fileno Carabba. Saturday 15 at 6.30 pm will be the time of Giorgio Gobbo’s text and music combined with the scenic reading of Andrea Pennacchi. The story of an emotional experience made of music, experiences, words and imagination, a long journey that shares twenty years of artistic production.

In Oltrefestival there are also events that welcome a global and social vision where decentralization and sharing of responsibilities speak to the company and to the business as to sport. For this, among other things, a word to one of the most successful Italian basketball players ever. Who will also hold a meeting with a provocative title.

On October 15 at 4.00 pm, in the cloister of the church of San Francesco, Riccardo Pittis will give life to an event entitled “I learned not to fear defeat”, presents Alessandro Toso. CartaCarbone, however, has always been a festival dedicated to writing. During the event, open workshops will be held and upon registration in the presence of experts from the world of autobiography and publishing, including Stefano Calabrese, Marco Peano and Luca Briasco.

In addition to the workshops, there is the writing contest for the students of the schools of the Province of Treviso, a sort of literary marathon that involves the students of the High Schools of the Province of Treviso invited, during the day of Sunday 16, to create a short story in two hours. on a surprise theme that will be revealed the same morning. Popular Jury and Technical Jury, whose President is Fulvio Ervas, will select and announce the winners. All the appointments will take place in the spaces made available by the municipality of Treviso: Palazzo Giacomelli, Auditorium Stefanini, Teatro La Stanza and Cinema Corso and are free to enter upon reservation while seats last.

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