“Everything You Need to Know About Stretch Marks: Facts, Myths, and Treatment Options for Men and Women, Explained by a Skin Therapist – Women’s Health NL”

by time news

2023-05-01 13:34:33

We don’t need to say often enough that everyone is beautiful just the way they are. Still, everyone has some insecurities here and there. Stretch marks are a good example of this. These ‘tiger stripes’ are harmless, but many women become quite insecure about those visible welts.

But did you know that estimates suggest that as many as 90 (!) percent of people have stretch marks? Strangely enough, many women think that they have the stretch marks to blame on themselves, but that does not always have to be the case. To ensure that no nonsense about stretch marks is thrown into the world, we have listed a few facts and fables together with Renske Ypma, skin therapist and owner of De Huidkliniek.

What are stretch marks?

But first: what are stretch marks anyway? Stretch marks are subcutaneous tears (scars) of the connective tissue in the skin. The tear causes streaking and local thinning of the skin. They most often appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips, and upper thighs. Stretch marks can occur when the skin has to grow too quickly in a short period of time, such as during pregnancy, puberty (growth spurt) or rapid weight gain.

Facts and myths about stretch marks

Stretch marks occur after pregnancy


Stretch marks often occur after childbirth, but can also become visible during pregnancy. It is very intense for your skin to keep up with the rapid growth. This causes the connective tissue to tear, leading to stretch marks. One woman simply suffers more from this than the other. ‘Heredity plays a major role in the development of stretch marks,’ explains Ypma. ‘In addition, young women develop stretch marks more quickly because the skin is even tighter, and therefore less supple than older skin.’

Stretch marks occur in both men and women


‘Stretch marks are often associated with pregnancy’, Ypma continues. However, girls in puberty or sports men (mainly bodybuilders) can also suffer from stretch marks. So it has nothing to do with pregnancy.

Stretch marks always show up as white stripes


Most people mainly know stretch marks as those white (tiger) stripes on the skin, but it can also manifest itself with red or purplish lines. This is often the initial phase and is also known as stretch marks rubra. This purple-red color often disappears on its own and the stripes take on a white color (striae alba).

If the redness does not decrease, the color can be removed by means of a vascular laser or IPL treatment. A combination is even possible.

Stretch marks cannot be treated


‘Stretch marks can certainly be treated,’ emphasizes the skin therapist. The equipment currently used in treatment stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers. Thus, the skin is restructured from the inside out. This makes the skin smoother and the stretch marks will fade. ‘On average 3-4 treatments are needed.’

Want to know more about how to treat those tiger stripes on your skin? You find all ins & outs over striae in this article.

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