Everything you wanted to ask about the deposit of guarantees for the entry of guests into Israel – you asked, the Population and Immigration Authority responds

by time news

1. a question: Why should a guarantee be deposited? After all, the countries have signed an exemption agreement.
Answer: We are in an unusual period and in accordance with the policy established these days, regarding the entry of foreigners with Ukrainian passports into Israel, it was decided that
Anyone invited by an acquaintance who is an Israeli citizen will be able to enter, provided that the Israeli deposits a bank guarantee that guarantees that the invitee will leave Israel within the time allotted to him.

2. a question: Where can the bank guarantee be deposited?
Answer: The guarantee must be deposited at the Population and Immigration Authority station at Ben Gurion Airport, between the hours of 8: 00-16: 00. The position is located in Terminal 3, 2nd floor, in the eastern part.

3. a question: How can a guarantee be deposited? Is personal presence required or provided online?
Answer: A guarantee can only be deposited with a personal presence at a position at Ben Gurion Airport.
The guarantee must be a bank guarantee and valid for six months or, alternatively, a bank check in the name of the Population and Immigration Authority.

4. a question: How long before the tourist arrives should a guarantee be deposited?
Answer: As far as the customer knows in advance about the tourist’s arrival, it is recommended to arrive within 12-24 hours before landing, during the station’s operating hours.

5. a question: What kind of guarantee should be deposited?
Answer: Bank guarantee, valid for six months or a bank check in the name of the Population and Immigration Authority.

It is advisable to pass the deposit confirmation to the invited passenger who will present it to the border controllers immediately upon arrival. This way, time will be saved and unnecessary delay will be avoided.

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