Evo Morales asks to “take care” of Luis Arce and denounces a government attack against him

by time news

2023-06-19 00:48:08

The tension between the two dates back to 2021. But now they have deepened and they no longer hide their differences.

The former Bolivian president and head of the ruling Movement for Socialism (MAS), Evo Morales, asked this Sunday “take care” of President Luis Arce and told his government to organize an attack against him “with the right and the empire”.

“I repeat, (you have to) take care of Lucho Arce, I ask the healthy and honest leaders who are not prebendal” because “it keeps track of them” to “make some montage,” Morales said on the Sunday program that he broadcasts on the Kawsachun Coca station.

The former head of state stated that he is “concerned” that now “our government (of the MAS)” is ready to carry out an attack to link it to drug trafficking cases.

He precisely pointed to the Ministry of the Presidency and the Vice Ministry of Communication for preparing a video to tell “lies”.

“I don’t want to think badly, (but) with this kind of defamation they are going to campaign for me for free,” he ironized.

Luis Arce and Evo Morales. AP Photo


Morales asserted that “the Government is dedicated to dividing (the MAS) like the neoliberal governments” through a “dirty campaign” and that it also uses “some perks” to hand them over to some leaders so that they join the block of the “renovators.”

“Who is the head of the renovators, Lucho (Arce) and (Vice President) David (Choquehuanca)” and “they are trying to outlaw the MAS and now they say we are from the MAS,” Morales recriminated.

The day before, Arce met in La Paz with his ministers, deputy ministers, and various Arce legislators to plan his administration, and a statement emerged from the meeting in which they ratified their “militancy” in the MAS.

Likewise, the Government “forcefully” rejected any “internal and external destabilization” attempt and recalled that “the main enemy” is not in the ranks of the MAS” but in the “fascist right”.

Also this Saturday, Morales met with the federations of coca leaf producers from the Cochabamba tropics, its main political stronghold, and the Evistas, but the position was to insist on criticizing the president and the government.

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, in an official act. Photo EFE

“Only Candidate”

That meeting announced that the MAS has a “only candidate” for the presidency that is Morales.

In addition, that congress pointed out that Arce “is righting” to that political party and that “favors corruption and drug trafficking,” among other points.

The MAS leaders also established “hiring security guards” to protect Morales since “the right wing could make an attempt on his life” and for this they asked for a “voluntary” contribution from the militants.

The tensions in the MAS began to be felt at the end of 2021when the evistas recommended Arce to make changes among his collaborators, something that the president did not do.

This was followed by repeated denunciations by the evistas for acts of alleged corruption in the Government and treasonous statements against Arce and Choquehuanca.

Source: EFE


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#Evo #Morales #asks #care #Luis #Arce #denounces #government #attack

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