Evolution in the number of nurses in Mexico (2006 to 2020)

by time news

2023-05-12 18:00:59

  • The Italian Florence Nightingale is considered the first professional nurse in history.
  • According to the Ministry of Health, there is a deficit of 255,000 nursing professionals in Mexico.
  • To date, it is estimated that Puebla, Querétaro, Veracruz and Michoacán are the entities with the lowest numbers of nurses in Mexico.

One of the main characteristics of Medicine is teamwork. To offer a comprehensive service to patients, the collaboration of workers from various health fields is required. With this in mind, the role of nurses is fundamental and that is why it is worth knowing how its development has been in Mexico.

In the first instance, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicates that the Nursing professionals are at the forefront of service delivery and play an important role in people- and community-centered care.

In fact, in many countries they are leaders or key players in multiprofessional and interdisciplinary health teams. They also provide a wide range of services at all levels of the health system.

Who was the first nurse in history?

It is a reality that there were several people who laid the foundations, although within the professional field all roads lead to Florence Nightingale, born in Italy in 1820. From an early age she excelled in school and was one of the best in her class. She also showed interest in the field of health but one of the problems she had to face was the prejudice of society.

At the end of basic education, she sought to continue her training, but there were no universities that accepted her. At that time it was thought that women did not have the need to study professionally.

After much effort, it was first woman admitted to the British Royal Statistical Society. Thanks to her knowledge, she laid the foundations for the professionalization of nursing. Until before her it was not a Bachelor’s degree.

Panorama of nurses in Mexico

For its part, one of the biggest problems at the national level is that the number of health professionals is insufficient. In fact, it is estimated that there is a deficit of 255,000 nurses.

At the same time, another drawback is the poor distribution of the personnel of this guild. While Tamaulipas and Mexico City They are the only entities that meet the average number of nurses per population, in Puebla, Querétaro, Veracruz and Michoacán are record the lowest numbers.

However, in recent years there has been an increase within this guild, although it has been minimal. According to Statista, in 2006 there were 2.23 nurses for every thousand inhabitants. While for 2010 the figure was 2.42.

For its part, for 2016 the statistic was 2.87 and it remained that way for three consecutive years. The most serious thing was that for 2019 the first setback in three decades was generated by obtaining a figure of 2.85.

While the most recent year for which records are available is 2020 and at that time there were 2.91 nurses per thousand Mexicans. Based on all of the above, it can be seen that during the last 15 years there has been an increase, although it has been minimal and is insufficient for the needs of the country.

Also read:

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