Ex-Vice President Jorge Glas Faces Deteriorating Situation as Ecuador Rejects Asylum Request

by time news

Former Vice President Glas‘s Fate ⁢Uncertain Amidst Diplomatic Standoff

The precarious situation of⁤ former Vice ⁢President Jorge Glas in ‌Ecuador appears ​unlikely to change, ⁢with the government firmly denying any possibility of his ‍release. Following his arrest in April, Glas ​has been confined to La Roca prison. The ⁢tension between Ecuador and⁤ Mexico, which⁢ escalated with the storming‌ of‌ the Mexican Embassy in Quito, remains unresolved.

President Daniel Noboa has maintained a resolute stance, stating that Ecuador ​will ⁣not grant ‍safe conduct to Glas. This decision aligns with the government’s official position that providing such ⁣asylum would be unlawful. They argue that Mexico was aware of Glas’s corruption convictions before offering him‌ sanctuary.

Despite ‌international condemnation,‍ diplomatic relations with Mexico appear to be a distant concern for⁤ Noboa.⁤ With presidential elections approaching and⁣ his popularity waning,⁤ the president’s focus appears to ‌be‍ on the upcoming campaign and his political agenda. His messaging emphasizes security, crime reduction, and fighting corruption, positioning Glas as a​ symbol of his successes.

Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia ⁣Bárcenas suggested that granting safe conduct could be⁤ a step towards reconciliation, but this appears unlikely to sway Noboa.

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