example! A 28-year-old man with severe abdominal pain found that he was diagnosed with liver cancer. After eating a glass of raw milk a day

by time news

example! A 28-year-old man who has always been in good health, suddenly has severe abdominal pain, has yellow eyes. Shock was diagnosed with liver cancer. After eating a glass of raw milk a day

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Recently, the online world of Taiwan is sharing medical news from China. A man who drank cow’s milk on a regular basis, but suddenly felt weak in his hands and feet and rushed to the hospital for treatment. But when the doctor revealed the results of the diagnosis He was in a lot of shock. because he had liver cancer in the early stages

Xiaogang, a 28-year-old man, was usually healthy from a young age. But recently he hadPersistent diarrhea and yellow pupils and was diagnosed with liver cancer in the early stages which surprised him After consulting a doctor about the cause of the disease because he never eats unhealthy food But who knew that having a glass of milk every morning became the main cause of liver disease?
Xiaogang revealed that the milk he regularly drinks was fresh milk. As long as he hasn’t finished drinking He would put it in the fridge and drink it when he felt the urge to eat it. Such fresh milk is not sterilized at high temperatures. (Pasteurization) and relatively short storage time This causes raw milk to produce many harmful bacteria and toxins, such as aflatoxin. When absorbed by the body, it can severely damage the liver and lead to cancer.

Hepatology and bile duct doctors have warned that the liver’s metabolism and detoxification time isFrom 22.00 to 3.00 Therefore, staying up late can damage the liver and cause cancer unknowingly. In addition, drinking too much can lead to liver damage.

Usually, you can exercise to burn fat. promote blood circulation Prevent and treat fatty liver conditions such as jogging, swimming, including tai chi. If the patient has abnormal symptoms or is at risk, they should be examined. according to the advice of a doctor and if necessary, drug treatment You should take your medication regularly.

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