Exception Rejected, Merdeka Square Revitalization Lawsuit Trial Continues to the Main Case – Waspada Online 2024-07-29 07:53:44

by time news

WHILE, Waspada.co.id – The citizen lawsuit filed by the North Sumatra Civil Society Coalition (KMS) regarding the revitalization of Medan’s Merdeka Square will proceed to the main case stage.

This certainty was conveyed by the Director of LBH Humaniora, Dr Redyanto Sidi, as the plaintiffs’ attorney, Monday (29/7).

According to Redyanto, the panel of judges at the Medan District Court (PN) has rejected the defendants’ exceptions regarding the Medan District Court’s authority to hear the citizen lawsuit for the revitalization of Merdeka Square.

In its interim decision, the Medan District Court rejected the exception filed by the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Directorate General of Culture as Defendant I, the Mayor of Medan as Defendant II, the Governor of North Sumatra as Co-Defendant I and the Collegial Leadership of the Medan City DPRD as Co-Defendant II.

“The notification of the verdict was delivered on Wednesday, July 23, 2024 via e-court. The verdict reads, To try, Declare that the Medan District Court has the authority to try civil case Number: 101/Pdt.G/2024/PN Mdn; Declare that other exceptions from the Defendants will be considered together with the main case; Suspend court costs until the final decision,” he said.

The decision is in accordance with the agenda of the interim decision chaired by Judge Nelson Panjaitan. Members Muhammad Yusufrihardi Girsang, and Vera Yetty Magdalena. Based on the interim decision, the trial will continue to the main case.

Redyanto said, after the defendants’ exceptions were rejected, the trial would be scheduled for next week. “The first trial is scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2024,” he said.

He said that his party will also prepare a number of evidences, witnesses and experts. “We will submit written evidence first, then witnesses and experts,” he said.

Redyanto said, the defendants filed an exception to the KMS Sumut lawsuit, because they believed that the Medan District Court was not authorized to hear the case. According to the defendants, this was the domain and authority of the State Administrative Court (PTUN) so they filed an exception of absolute competence, but it was rejected by the Medan District Court panel of judges.

Previously, in the citizen lawsuit, the plaintiff requested that Medan’s Merdeka Square be designated as a National Cultural Heritage so that the revitalization must be stopped first because it is in conflict with Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage.

Then Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Advancement of Culture, Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2022 concerning the National Register and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Medan City Regulation Number 2 of 2012 concerning the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings/Environments, Medan City Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2022 concerning RTRW, so it is an unlawful act.

A number of names that are members of the North Sumatra KMS who filed the lawsuit are Usman Pelly Rosdanelli Hasibuan, Burhan Batubara, Rizanul, Meuthia F Fachruddin, Dina Lumban Tobing, and Miduk Hutabarat. (wol/ryp/d1)


2024-07-29 07:53:44

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