Excess mortality among young people which raises questions about anti-Covid vaccination

by time news

2023-11-21 19:41:51

TRIBUNE/ANALYSIS – In a previous article we saw that while a dangerous and deadly virus was circulating, the first half of 2021 was the least fatal half of all time for 5 to 40 year olds in France. But in the second half of the year, when a safe and effective protective vaccine was massively injected, we saw the mortality of this age group suddenly increase by more than 400 deaths, which was a step back in terms of mortality of around 10 years.

Apparently, some were not convinced by this demonstration and still dare to claim that anti-Covid vaccines do not cause side effects. Let them rest assured, here is a reminder!

Following this article, I had discussions with the statistician Pierre Chaillot from the YouTube channel Decoding the eco which pushed me to increase the temporal resolution of the analysis and to add the injection curves of the anti-Covid vaccines available on the site data.gouv.fr. With his help, this allowed me to improve my program for analyzing French mortality. Thus equipped, we will be able to set about determining as precisely as possible when this excess mortality began and, for this, we will focus on 12-40 year olds because 5-12 year olds have seen their vaccination campaign start more quickly. later and will be the subject of a separate article.

Let’s start from the half-yearly analysis of the previous article and display the excess mortality for 12-40 year olds:

We see very clearly the excess mortality over the last four semesters with an average of 400 additional deaths per semester.

Below, here is still a half-yearly analysis but with the injections of the first dose and the relative excess mortality in percentages:

And, below, the same graph but with the second dose injections:

We can only note that the start of this excess mortality coincides with the peaks in injections.

Still not convinced? So let’s move on to the quarterly analysis. Below, the excess mortality per quarter with the first dose injections:

And, below, with the second dose injections:

We can only note that the start of this excess mortality always coincides with the injection peaks. Especially for the second dose.

Still not convinced? Well, let’s move on to the 8-week rolling average! Below with the first dose:

The excess mortality curve is much noisier due to statistical fluctuations but we can clearly see that before the vaccination peak, the fluctuations are around 0 while afterwards, the excess is always above 0 and fluctuates on average around + 10%.

Let’s see now with the second dose:

We see that the temporal correlation is even more obvious with the second dose.

Still not convinced? Let’s zoom in on the curve over the period that interests us:

We see here very clearly that the second dose vaccination curve practically merges with the first peak in mortality which marks the starting point of this excess deaths. The injection curve precedes the mortality peak by approximately two weeks.

Remember the second dose, the one which put a number of your colleagues off work and for which media reported more serious side effectsbut don’t worry, it’s normal, you’re not going to die!

Obviously, the second dose killed a number of young people in the weeks following the injection. As a result, mortality has not returned to normal, indicating that there are side effects that persist in the medium term.

Who can believe that in an interval of two weeks, by an improbable coincidence, another completely independent event would have triggered this wave of mortality among young people?

As a reminder, the analysis presented here is based on official data provided by state organizations and the program which generates the graphs in this article is public. If you have a Windows computer you can simply download the programextract the files from the archive FrenchMortality.zip in a directory and double-click on the batch file FrenchMortality 12-40.bat to start generating graphs in a Microsoft Excel file. Depending on the power of your computer, the execution can take between 10 to 30 minutes, the time to download all the data files, import this data, then do the calculations. You will therefore have to arm yourself with a little patience.
And if, in addition, you have knowledge of programming I can only encourage you to consult its source code to make sure there are no errors.

Another reminder: epidemiologist Laurent Toubiana has been trying to obtain mortality data based on vaccination status for more than a year and a half. This is an analysis that should have been done from the start of the vaccination campaign since the vaccines are still experimental. And yet, all requests are still blocked due to obstruction. However, this is the only way to prove the effectiveness or dangerousness of these vaccines without any bias.

The Minister of Health should stop promoting the manufacturers of anti-Covid vaccines. That’s clearly not his job. Now he has no more excuses. We have more than two years of hindsight which proves to us that these vaccines have side effects which can prove fatal.

Now everyone is faced with the evidence. Politicians and doctors who remain in denial or lies only reinforce our certainties! What do they have to hide?

*Jean-Noël Haas, holder of a DEA in subatomic physics, is a computer scientist, developer of security and strong authentication solutions and independent creator of computer log analysis software.

#Excess #mortality #among #young #people #raises #questions #antiCovid #vaccination

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