Exciting: Birthday celebrations for the wounded from the attack in Be’er Sheva at the hospital

by time news

The murderous attack that took place two days ago in a shopping center in Be’er Sheva in which a terrorist resident of Hura in the Bedouin diaspora arrived at a gas station on Hebron Road in Be’er Sheva with a vehicle, and in the campaign killed 4 people and wounded two others. The attack ended when it was neutralized by two civilians. Hila Avisror, who was celebrating a birthday on the same day, was injured in the attack.

The staff at Sorokawa Hospital who treat Hila did not remain indifferent to the incident and after her condition improved today, they celebrated her birthday, Hila says: “I am excited and thank the staff for the amazing treatment. They treat me with dedication, help me recover Do not give up and celebrate my birthday for me. “

“We all hope there will be a further improvement in their condition and they will be able to be released home”

Dr. Menachem Matza, Deputy Director of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Soroka: “There is an improvement in the condition of the injured. They are progressing well and on a recovery trend. “One of them will be transferred during the day from the intensive care unit and chest to a regular ward, and I hope that the other injured person will also be transferred soon.”

Dr. Matza adds: “Patients arrived at the trauma room in critical condition suffering from an injury that caused chest bleeding and air leakage from the lungs. After treatment and stabilization of their condition, they were transferred to our ward, where they also deal with mental injury in light of the traumatic event they experienced. They also receive guidance and treatment in this aspect. We all hope that there will be a further improvement in their situation and that they will be able to be released back home to their families soon. “

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