Exciting: The mortally wounded officer put on a uniform and reached the Western Wall

by time news

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

Exciting: The mortally wounded officer put on a uniform and reached the Western Wall

Knitted news

08.03.23 | 09:58

Lieutenant Nadav, the officer who was mortally wounded in the attack in Jerusalem, arrived this morning at the end of his battalion’s trip to the Western Wall. Upon his arrival they cheered him and applauded him. Watch the exciting documentary

Lieutenant Nadav, who was seriously injured in an attack in the Old City of Jerusalem after neutralizing the terrorist, put on a uniform this morning (Wednesday) and arrived this morning for a trip to the Wall of the Victorious Brigade, 202nd Battalion.

Watch the reception given to him by his friends:

More on the same topic

“Began to move”: improvement in the condition of the officer who was injured in the attack

About a week ago, his family was informed of another and gratifying improvement in his condition: “Thank God, we are happy to announce that this week too there has been a very significant improvement in Nadav’s condition, who was released from intensive care to a normal ward on Thursday,” said the family.

“Nadav communicates regularly with his family, his friends, his commanders and soldiers and with the dedicated medical team that surrounds him through writing, facial expressions and head and hand movements. Yesterday, Nadav began to swallow on his own and he has much more reactions that are also expressed by cutting his lips.”

Illustration (Photo: Olivia Fitosi/Flash90)

In the attack that took place on Saturday morning about a month ago in the Ma’alot area of ​​the City of David, a 13-year-old terrorist from Silvan opened fire on Jews returning from Shabbat prayer. The worshipers, including Nadav (who was not on duty at the time of the incident) – returned fire and neutralized the terrorist.

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