Exclusive interview: 65% of the first generation of Bolsa Família left poverty, says minister

by time news

2023-10-20 04:00:11

Minister gave an exclusive interview to Record TV Record TV/Reproduction – 10/18/2023 “That first generation of Bolsa Família [de 2004]65% of them are now out of poverty, in other words, it is a victorious generation”, said Wellington Dias, Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, in an exclusive interview with Record TV on Wednesday (18). According to him, part of these families are currently middle class. See also Brasília Government will allocate another R$ 250 million to a program that encourages family farming Brasília CPMI of 8/1 approves final report with request for indictment of Bolsonaro and 60 more Brasília Government Federal government announces the creation of an office in Rio Grande do Sul to organize reconstruction Asked about Brazil’s expectation of leaving the United Nations (UN) Hunger Map, Dias said that “we are going to leave again.” “We received an a very large number of people who go hungry: 33 million Brazilians, according to the latest survey, from 2021, [número] which was repeated in 2022”, he lamented. See the full text: • Share this news on WhatsApp • Share this news on Telegram “Brazil’s commitment to the UN […] It’s 2030. How much will Brazil save from hunger by 2030? I’m excited. Based on these studies that were carried out, we can have an earlier result”, he stated. “The result in 2023 will be much better. 2024, much better than 2023. 2025: much better”, said the minister. According to him, this is a concern for the entire Brazilian society. “When one part doesn’t sleep because they are hungry, the other doesn’t sleep out of fear of that portion. ” Dias also said that the insertion of Bolsa Família beneficiaries into the job market is a priority for the government. “We have now signed an agreement with the coffee sector […]. And there, see, the number of people with a formal contract grew in the coffee sector. We are doing this in several areas.” The minister recalled that the new Bolsa Família, which came into force this year, does not foresee the loss of benefits for those who have a formal contract. “This created a fear of signing a contract. It created a fear of formalizing a business. Now we change that. What counts for leaving is income from work. So, for example, Mrs. Luana works with a formal contract, earns minimum wage and receives Bolsa Família. She doesn’t lose Bolsa Família because she signed the card. The income must [per capita] exceeds R$660 to leave”, he explained. According to him, the focus is to provide opportunities for economic growth to those on the government’s social benefit register. “In the new Bolsa Família, we have a base of people with better education. Many people have high school education, technical education — 10% of people have higher education. So, give these people a hand. Here is Brazil’s wealth that, if we lend a hand to these people, giving credit, providing conditions to grow, Brazil wins. And the more Brazil lifts people out of poverty, the more it also impacts the economy. This makes the middle class grow,” he said.
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