Excuse the robbery of the future by the robbery of the past. Vahe Hovhannisyan – 2024-03-02 16:53:08

by times news cr

2024-03-02 16:53:08

Vahe Hovhannisyan, a member of the “Alternative Projects” group, writes:

“For public recovery and national recovery, it is necessary to quickly get rid of the traps. we will not last in this state. “Looting” is the dirtiest, most dangerous trap set by Nicole’s government, which drives society crazy, wears it down and prevents any healthy process.

A justification for plundering the future by plundering the past

This government robbed the future of our state, but it justifies all losses with “previous looting”, and this is still working. We have reached the point that many literate, decent people today are accused of protecting “loot”, and they are often constrained by it.

The vast majority of public figures (those who are the core of the anti-establishment struggle) have nothing to do with “looting”, but they are trying to position them as defenders of the looting.

Those who really “robbered” are either silent, or cooperating, or enjoying themselves. And the country literally collapses under the burden of old and present looting, ugly government and external risks.

For 4-5 years, we hang our heads like a “fresh bride” in the vernacular, not finding the right answers, or pretending that there was no robbery, it’s a false topic, the people are delusional.

Either we answer that they are looting even now (which is certainly true and, it seems, on a huge scale), or we react in an absurd way: “not so much, there was less looting.” Not looking directly at the problem and finding defective answers only strengthens the government.

Let’s talk openly with society

We really cannot pretend that nothing happened, that before our eyes dozens of high-ranking and not so high-ranking state men did not become owners of large capital in incomprehensible and unacceptable ways. Ministers, SRC elites, generals, mayors, regional governors, high-ranking security forces, other influential elected officials, individual families, their relatives and others. Everyone knows this, but (also under the burden of today’s realities) we don’t speak openly, that’s why honest dialogue does not work, and public healing does not begin to get out of this situation, to really save the state. We must speak openly so that the future of the state, the future of all our families does not become a victim of other people’s capital.

The word “looting” is bad, it obviously does not correctly describe what happened. One can find another wording: disputed capital, preliminary accumulation of capital, capital created at the expense of public resources, illegal capital, etc. It is necessary to speak openly about the topic, not to be complex, and to find the options so that this resource is used for the restoration of Armenia, not to serve Nikol Pyar, but for the restoration of Armenia. Draw the red line and move forward.

Otherwise, we will not get out of the trap, Nikol will not let it go.

We know that dozens of government officials have serious capital in Armenia and in different places around the world. should we pretend we don’t know or should we pretend it doesn’t exist? Or should we talk openly and find solutions? And let’s start dealing with the future of our country, a country that is being led to destruction.

There is a problem, there is a solution, and we have to do it

This government is trying to convince that until 2018 there was only one big robbery and nothing else. This is a big lie.

He says: people, what you experienced and saw did not happen. He repeats like a sect preacher. “I tell you, there was only looting,” and a large part of the audience quietly repeats that mantra.

In this trap, we cannot say that what is called “loot” includes at most a few dozen names.

We also cannot say that since 1991 there has actually been a serious development, a serious phase of state building, post-war reconstruction, reforms, large projects, creation of large infrastructures, cultural and scientific life and achievements, brilliant sports victories, economic growth. There have been a thousand and one things: state life. Could it be better? Could. Was there a state with all its attributes and dynamic development? was.

The solutions.

First of all, the script, the distribution of roles should be changed. It is necessary to dismantle the “Nikol blames, we defend ourselves” waiting list. This is a never-ending show. We, everyone who wants to build a normal modern state after Nikol, should talk openly about this problem.

A healing process must begin within the teams. You should try to become more free, not to be constrained by other people’s “story”. Those who are constrained by this topic and are not ready to engage in a truly free and open political conversation should withdraw from public life and not hinder the strugglers. Otherwise, the struggle will always be like this, with minefields, semi-pregnant, transactional nuances.

It is very important that today those who present opposition, political-public bids themselves speak bravely about some manners and some rules of the game of the decades of independence, without hesitation, without further ado. If we say that after getting rid of Nikol, we should build a modern state with the rules of the new game, should we not fix and reject the unacceptable, should we not say what will not happen in the future?

It is not possible to convince the Armenian people that everything was fair for 30 years, that no one got rich in an unfair way, no one got rich at the expense of state or public resources, many kindergartens, buildings, lands, etc. were not privatized for pennies. The issue should be moved to another level. What should be done so that this resource serves Armenia, the restoration of the state, the reconstruction of society? The recurring scenario is disgusting: taking another person to prison, making a shady agreement with them, then breaking the agreement, using the media to make a thief-robber for the sake of ratings. The right thing is to use that capital, that resource for the development of the state according to the clear rules of the game.

People should not be called robbers, traitors, etc. What is the point of humiliating people when there is a rational solution that benefits everyone? It is necessary to make a list, to create a special fund “for the development and restoration of Armenia”. “Strongly suggest” to make large donations based on real calculations, fix the conditions, then “strongly suggest” to make investments within the framework of pre-developed programs in different marzes, sectors, develop the sector and region. Let them continue to make money as investors, not as government officials. Conventionally speaking, if a person has taken 100 million dollars from the country or acquired tens-hundreds of state property under preferential conditions, it is necessary to offer to contribute a part to a special account, and to invest in one of the programs offered by the state, of one’s own choice, so that the state breathes and the citizen benefits. .

The principle is as follows. the disputable capital should serve Armenia, not the government’s PR. The post-Nikol government must do this. In the history of the 20th century, many countries have chosen this transition scenario. Have you taken it, have you created a huge capital, so you have to share it with the country and the people? After which new rules of the game begin.

And finally, plagiarism and other wording cannot apply to the business community. Businessmen cannot be in this context. Businessmen cannot be made robbers and oppressors. The language of dialogue with businessmen and the new “contract” is completely different. There is also a toolkit that should be used, and again, on the principle of mutual benefit. Businessmen are one of the pillars of our state, they are mostly quite serious, important and useful people. The businessman should be encouraged to work and invest. It is also worth distinguishing those businessmen who made huge money in Armenia, but do not invest a penny in our country. This is a problem that requires attention and a solution. You can’t mix wet with dry.”

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