Executive bets on the modernization of ICTs

by time news

2023-05-18 14:50:23

News from Angola – The executive will continue to focus on the modernization process of the Telecommunications and Information Technology and Social Communication sector, with a view to improving economic development and social inclusion.

According to the press release from the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS), which Notícias de Angola had access to, in reference to the 17th of May, the International Day of Telecommunications and the Information Society, it should be noted that the Executive will continue to work on improving living conditions and access to information, in the fight against poverty, in pursuit of the Millennium Goals.

As the document highlights, the actions taken by the Executive have produced satisfactory results, fundamentally in the continuous improvement of the regular and universal provision of basic public services of telephony, Internet access and associated services.

In the report, the ministry recalls that, within the scope of the National Space Program (PEN), on October 12, 2022, the ANGOSAT-2 was launched into orbit, and, last January, the country witnessed the inauguration and entry into operation of the Satellite Mission and Control Center (MCC), an intelligent infrastructure capable of operating several satellites simultaneously.

The note also reinforces that the recent creation of an Earth Observation System (SOT), where several applications have been developed, offering real benefits to society, with emphasis on sectors such as agriculture, land use planning and the exploitation of natural resources .

“The training and qualification of staff constitute essential pillars in the materialization of programmes, projects and actions in the ICT sector. Thus, in addition to others, recently three Angolans were highlighted among the top 10 engineers under 30 years of age in the African space industry”, reads the note.

Angola is on the SADC Shared Satellite Committee Leadership and is, to date, the SADC focal point with the International Telecommunication Union for issues related to orbital positions.

He also highlighted the technological solution Tech-Gest, selected for the Top 100 Global of artificial intelligence projects, focused on the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as Tech-Gest, a service that uses up-to-date, high-resolution satellite images for the infrastructure monitoring, asset management, change detection, land use and occupation mapping.

The Angolan Government emphasizes the existence of 10 fixed media libraries in Benguela, Luanda, Huambo, Huíla, Lunda Sul, Zaire, Cunene, Bié and Malanje and the 6 proximity media libraries “Mobile Media Libraries” in Cabinda, Luanda, Malanje, Bié, Moxico and Uíge, which has allowed the population to increase their literacy and access to information, in addition to being a privileged space for cultural interaction.

The start-up of digital.ao, a technological incubator focused on providing IT infrastructure and supporting entrepreneurship, has enabled the strengthening and expansion of micro and small companies, in addition to facilitating the formalization and modernization of business.

The ministry made it known that, in order to provide more reliable information on weather and climate, within the scope of the INAMET modernization project, of the 68 meteorological stations that are due to start operating in 2023, 58 of the stations have already been completed and installed .

The Government emphasizes that the Radioelectric Spectrum Management Monitoring Center, inaugurated in 2022, has enabled better monitoring of the radioelectric spectrum, as well as better monitoring and management of situations of interference in the civil and maritime aviation sectors, as well as in the use of broadcasting frequencies across the country.

The Executive ensures that the completion of the fiber optic connection between the province of Zaire and the province of Cabinda, crossing the Democratic Republic of Congo, through the cities of Matadi and Boma, as well as the new fiber optic cable, with a capacity of 200 Gbps , which connects Noqui and Zaire, is a great gain for the country and will certainly improve and facilitate access and quality of services.

The ministry congratulates all public and private telecommunications and information society bodies and operators, giving a special greeting to the sector’s staff, for the work they carry out in ensuring electronic communications services and strengthening electronic security.

This engagement has allowed communication and access to information in the country to more than 24 million mobile phone subscribers, more than 10 million users of internet services and more than 2 million subscription television subscribers.

#Executive #bets #modernization #ICTs

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