Exercise helps men with erectile dysfunction

by time news

by ana gassentGetty Images

How come some penises refuse to prance? For that we need to know how a penis gets stiff. Unlike mammals with a penis bone, humans rely entirely on blood. No blood in the cavernous bodies means no stiffness.

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest cause of erection problems

For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume that the man in question is aroused, and that there are no psychological reasons for his flaccid penis. So just the fear of not being able to get it up can keep it limp. Before you know it you end up in a vicious circle. In that case, it is better to visit the sexologist.

Anyway. If there are physical reasons for the erectile dysfunction, it is almost always related to underlying health conditions. The most common in men with erectile dysfunction is cardiovascular disease. Not surprising, now that you know how dependent the penis is on flowing blood.

More exercise helps with erectile dysfunction

But how do you solve that erection problem? It’s simpler than you might think: moving. Researchers at the Danish Syddansk Universitet analyzed various international studies on erection problems from the past ten years.

They saw that erectile dysfunction mainly occurs in overweight men and in physically inactive men. ‘Coincidentally’ also the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Fortunately, the clogged arteries that arise from overweight and inactivity can be cleaned again by exercising more.

How much? The researchers discovered the best formula. With about 40 minutes of exercise four times a week for six months, most of the men studied were already out of the bedroom problems.

Erection problem is warning

Are you fit and do you still suffer from erection problems? Then it is still smart to go to the doctor. It can be a sign that something is wrong with your heart, without you realizing it. According to doctors, erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign that things aren’t quite right there in your chest.

According to the HartKliniek, people with erectile dysfunction can have narrowed blood vessels without even feeling it. The risk of a heart attack is much higher.

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