Exercises to lose abdominal fat: The most effective

by time news

One of the main objectives that we all have is to be able to shape our figure to look spectacular, and that is why we present you exercises to lose abdominal fat: the most effective.

According to the Mayo Clinic, abdominal fat is that which is found in the subcutaneous part, you can feel it if you pinch the excess skin and tissue in the middle part of the body.

Photo: iStock

How to lose abdominal fat faster?

To lose abdominal fat or lower sizes in general, the intervention of two equally important factors is necessary: ​​diet and exercise. For this reason, you must take care of both aspects, and once that is achieved, you will see how it is more lose belly fat fast

If you don’t know where to start, a good idea is to start activating your body with constant walks until you increase the frequency, this will help you build resistance and be able to carry out the exercises that we are going to present to you.

On the other hand, it is a good idea to reduce the consumption of refined sugar, sugary drinks, fried or fatty foods, and in general avoid foods that do not provide nutritional value.

Another factor that you must take into account to reduce abdominal fat is to learn to control stress, since stress can gain weight because it causes a imbalance in the body when spending many hours eating due to stress or fasting for the same reason.

Photo: iStock

What is the best exercise to lose abdominal fat?

The best exercises to lose abdominal fat are those that combine physical resistance with strength, this is a comprehensive training that benefits not only the abdominal area, but the body in general because the muscles in all areas are strengthened and generate a feeling of complete well-being. for the person

If you want to see some exercises, click on the cover image and slide.

How to eliminate localized fat in the abdomen and waist?

As mentioned above, to eliminate localized fat it is necessary to do a comprehensive workout where all the muscles of the body are strengthened, and aerobic exercises have also been seen to work well for these cases.

Therefore, here are three exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home and will help strengthen your body to lose belly fat.

If you want to know the complete routine, check the first image of the photo gallery and slide.

Photo: iStock

  • Jumping jacks: Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart, jump while spreading your legs and arms wide as if you were doing a complete scissor lift with your body. When you jump, you separate your legs and arms to full extension and when you come down from the jump, you lower your arms and close your legs.
    Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds for three rounds.
  • Low impact option: If you find it difficult to jump, you can alternate opening your legs and arms without jumping, that is, while standing, you open one leg and one arm, close and then open the other leg and the other arm at a steady pace. Remember that the key is to increase your heart rate but safely.

Jumping Jacks are a great way to start your routine, since they activate a large number of muscles, in addition, being a cardio-type exercise, it not only helps to burn abdominal fat faster, but also helps to eliminate fat from the back and the “fatties” that are formed by the bra.

Photo: iStock

  • High Knee (knee lift): Stand up straight and raise one knee until it almost touches your chest, the ideal is that you raise it as high as you can and then raise the other, the option to burn more fat is to do it as quickly as possible you can. It’s like jogging in your same place but raising your knees higher.
    You can even try alternating lifting while jumping for a higher calorie burn.
  • Low impact option: If you can’t do it fast, much less jumping, don’t worry, you can do the same movement at your own pace as long as it’s a constant rhythm that raises your heart and breathing rates. Don’t forget to raise your knees as high as you can.
    Do this exercise for 30 seconds for three rounds.

High knees are effective because, like jumping jacks, they are aerobic cardio exercises that work well as a warm-up and burn calories.

In addition, the pressure exerted by the knee against the abdomen forces the abdomen to contract as if you were doing an abdominal but without putting your spine at risk. That’s why it’s part of the exercises to lose abdominal fat: the most effective.

Photo: iStock

  • Mountain climbers (climbers): For this exercise you need a mat or some soft surface that does not slip. Once you have it, place yourself on your hands with the palms outstretched and feet, raising the torso and hips. Once you feel stable, begin to tuck your knees in towards your chest as shown in the image and return them to their position.
    Ideally, do this as quickly as possible so that you feel your breathing and heart rate increase, alternate one knee and then the other as close to the abdomen and chest as possible. If you are already experienced, you can do what the girl in the photo does and make fists, this will feel more demanding on your balance and arms.
    Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds for three rounds.
  • Low impact option: If you do not have the condition to do this fast exercise, don’t worry, you can do exactly the same but at a calmer pace, remember not to neglect the technique and strive to get your knee as far as possible towards your chest.

Mountain climbers or climbers work to reduce abdominal fat because they raise the heart rate and force the abdomen to contract each time you bend the knees, it also helps strengthen the muscles of the arms and upper back.

Now that we leave you these three exercises so that you can warm up, we invite you to slide the first image of the note to see the rest of the routine of the exercises to lose abdominal fat: the most effective.

If in addition to toning the abdomen you want to tone and harden the buttocks, we leave you the ideal video to achieve it.

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