Exhibitions, Capucci and Les Etoiles, the homage of great photographers to dance

by time news

‘Photographic’ fragments, shots that tell and immortalize beauty, strength, suffering. Snapshots stolen from the gesture and movement of the most famous and acclaimed stars of international dance, Polina Semionova, Svetlana Zakharova, Marianela Nuñez, Silvia Azzoni and Alexandre Ryabko, Friedemann Vogel, Natalia Osipova and Sergio Bernal, Calvin Royal III, Vadim Muntagirov and Fumi Kaneko next to Maia Makhateli, Jacopo Tissi and Alena Kovaleva, fixed by the lens of great masters not only Italian. Shots for eternity.

The exhibition ‘Attimo, sei bello!’ will be inaugurated on December 12, in the space of the Margutta Veggy Food & Art in Rome, which will feature some of the major Terpsichorean photographers, Damiano Mongelli, Pierluigi Abbondanza, Cristiano Castaldi, Vincenzo Cositore, Massimo Danza , Jack Devant, Younsik Kim, Malcolm Levinkind, Enrico Ripari, Graham Spicer.

The title of the exhibition, open to the public until 29 January 2023, quotes Goethe (‘if I will tell the moment: you are so beautiful, stop!’) and retraces two shows, curated by Daniele Cipriani, the international Gala Les Étoiles and L ‘Man dancing with costumes designed for the occasion by Roberto Capucci.

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