experts discussing the monitoring system

by time news

2023-12-01 18:38:26

The novelties of article 34 and the potential developments and opportunities in the public and private sector in healthcare were at the center of the event “Sell-out and art.34: the pharmacy as ‘One Voice’ for the new monitoring of drugs and devices doctors”, organized at the Samsung District in Milan by Pharma Data Factory (Pdf) in the field with the Best solution (Beyond Sell-out Trend) which covers 95% of pharmacies. Participating in the debate were Guido Rasi, consultant to the Ministry of Health and former director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the president of Federfarma Marco Cossolo and the president of Assofarm, Venanzio Gizzi. Also present was the president of Federfarma Lombardia, Annarosa Racca. Article 34 of Legislative Decree 73/2021, then law 106 23/7/21 – informs a note – was a revolution for the pharmaceutical world. The text includes provisions that expand the flow of data that pharmacies already transmit to the healthcare system, also extending it to all drugs not paid for by the National Health Service, to drugs dispensed on behalf (Dpc) and to parapharmaceuticals registered as medical devices.

“The law – states Cossolo – introduces the monitoring of data that was previously missing, such as the flow of consumption of non-reimbursable drugs, medical devices, over-the-counter and class C drugs, i.e. not paid for by the NHS. It also provides critical monitoring of account distribution, which we didn’t have before.” Thanks to the art. 34 “the pharmacy confirms itself as a reference healthcare facility for the NHS, also with regards to the digital sphere, to protect the health of citizens”. According to Gizzi, article 34 finally brings order to the data collection system with positive effects both for the political decision maker and within the pharmacies. “In the event of new major emergencies – he observes – the pharmacy governs the drug flow data and political decision makers have a more accurate analysis available to better manage citizens’ health”. This is “a useful approach – adds Rasi – as it provides real data on drug consumption and has enormous potential in various areas, for example in the Hta (Health Technology Assessment) process and also in the negotiation, evaluation and verification phases of the management of pharmaceutical expenditure”.

Pharma Data Factory, in this context, managed to promptly grasp the significant changes. “The introduction of the art. 34 – comments Giorgio Cenciarelli, CEO Pharma Data Factory – restores authority to drug consumption data which over the years had suffered distortions due to various market phenomena. The rule has allowed Pharma Data Factory to achieve two major objectives: having coverage of 95% of Italian pharmacies and having the monitoring of all drugs dispensed in pharmacies, both by citizens and by the NHS. To give further solidity to the data – he adds – we have combined the practically census coverage of pharmacies with innovative and unique indicators on the market, down to the smallest territorial detail of the 3640 GeoClusters, guaranteeing the timely analysis of the effectiveness of the commercial strategies”.

It seemed “impossible a few years ago – recalls Alessia Paluzzi, general director of Consulcesi Homnya – but today we can affirm that the sell-out data generated thanks to art. 34 resolves a series of anomalies that had eroded the quality of the sell-out data. in (the latter) now a weakly representative proxy of the real consumption of drugs, particularly at a territorial level. Today, without a doubt, sell-out is the new reference standard of the market. The heritage that Pdf has built – he concludes – returns greater value and authority to a data which now, from a simple commodity returns to having a strategic value. In this context, the Consulcesi group has supported Pharma Data Factory since the beginning, making its great experience in the pharmaceutical world available with Consulcesi Homnya”.

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