Experts: ‘make all updated anti-Covid vaccines available as soon as possible’

by time news

2023-09-19 18:29:03

For effective containment of the SarS-CoV2 virus, it is “necessary to make all updated therapeutic options available as soon as possible in order to cope with the new mutations of the virus, in view of the autumn campaign”. This is what infectious disease specialists, family doctors and pharmacists claim in a note, in an open discussion with Moderna, in reference to the increase in positive cases of Covid, caused in particular by the spread of Eris or the EG.5 variant.

“Moderna’s updated vaccine provides protection against circulating variants linked to Omicron, including the XBB.1.5 subvariant – explains Cinzia Marano, Medical Director of Moderna Italia – To date, Moderna’s updated vaccine is the only one with clinical data demonstrating an immune response not only for XBB 1.5 but also for Eris (EG.5, FL.1.5.1) and Pirola (BA.2.86. ). Currently, Eris is the most detected variant of interest (Voi) in Europe, the United States and Asia, while Pirola remains under monitoring by the competent authorities.”

“Thanks to the flexibility of the mRna platform and the speed of production, Moderna was able to develop the updated Covid vaccine in a very short time – reiterates Jacopo Murzi, GM of Moderna Italia – which will be available in single-dose vials. Having obtained European approval, we are now waiting to receive instructions from the Italian authorities to take action with the supply, making the vaccine available to citizens as soon as possible. At Moderna we have been working on the development of medicines based on mRNA technology for over ten years. Our products also allowed us to emerge from the pandemic more quickly. This is why we want to continue to offer effective therapeutic options for optimal containment of the virus.”

The updated Moderna vaccine, just approved by EMA – we read in a note – will be the only one supplied in single doses to facilitate administration by healthcare workers, family doctors and pharmacists, also with a substantial reduction in waste.

“The administration of anti-Covid vaccines by community pharmacists was one of the main innovations introduced during the pandemic, dictated by the need to give a decisive acceleration to the vaccination campaign to bring the country out of the health emergency – declares Andrea Mandelli , president of the Federation of Italian Pharmacists’ Orders (Fofi) – The involvement of pharmacists in vaccination prevention activities, which today does not only concern Covid but also influenza and, in some regional contexts, anti-Zoster vaccination, has found reflected in the growing demand of Italians to be vaccinated in pharmacies, being able to count on the relationship of trust with the professional, as well as on the efficiency and widespread nature of the service, in conditions of complete safety for citizens. From the perspective of protecting the most vulnerable sections of the population, over 60s and fragile subjects, as well as healthcare workers, anti-Covid vaccination is still a very important tool today.”

Therefore, “it is essential – adds Mandelli – to be able to have updated vaccines to deal with new mutations of the virus, validated for efficacy and safety by international and national regulatory authorities. An aspect that certainly deserves reflection concerns the packaging of vaccines: the possibility for healthcare workers authorized to vaccinate to use single-dose vials of anti-Covid vaccine has a direct impact on the planning of the vaccination campaign and on the cost-effectiveness of vaccination strategies”.

In recent weeks “we are observing a continuous growth in Covid infections in our country, but we believe there is also a lot of submerged health – explains Silvestro Scotti, general secretary of Fimmg, the Italian Federation of general practitioners – Many patients are becoming aware of the fact that the Covid-19 is still there and they are asking us to be able to get the vaccine. We have taken note of the communication from the Ministry of Health ‘Preliminary indications for the autumn-winter anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign’ and we appreciate the communication from Minister Schillaci of have available, in the coming weeks, a new formulation of mRna vaccines in addition to the protein vaccine (updated monovalent formulation XBB 1.5). General medicine is, therefore, ready to participate in the vaccination campaign, having already demonstrated its commitment in the previous ones, but the simultaneous administration of both the Covid-19 and flu vaccinations requires, however, some certainties, aimed at guaranteeing citizens the best service and related result”.

“We believe it is important – underlines Scotti – to guarantee the necessary vaccine doses in time for the autumn 2023 vaccination, providing Italian patients with the choice of the complete portfolio of Covid-19 vaccines now available. This is in order not only to guarantee the vaccination of eligible population, but also to allow us general practitioners to be able to make the most appropriate choice based on the characteristics of the patients, which the experience of recent years has taught us to be fundamental. We also ask that general practitioners are supplied in the most appropriate way possible, avoiding logistical difficulties and also promoting the necessary flexibility in the packaging of vaccines and their delivery. General medicine is ready to play its role in favor of citizens and our NHS/SSR”.

“The updated vaccines – remarks Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit) and professor of Infectious Diseases at the Tor Vergata University of Rome – have excellent activity against the currently most widespread variants. In particular, the updated Moderna vaccine, as proven by clinical trials, is capable of generating an important immune response, which is essential given the current evolution of the epidemic which is once again recording a surge in cases around the world. also available in Italy also means giving citizens the opportunity to choose a vaccine they like, continuing the vaccination cycle with the same therapeutic option. An important impulse, therefore, for the new vaccination campaign which, we hope, can be increasingly broad in order to protect the sections of the population most at risk”.

Starting an extensive vaccination campaign in the autumn involving not only the elderly and frail patients could, according to European estimates – details the note – reduce the total hospitalizations for Covid by up to 30% until the end of February 2024.” The use of the different types and vaccine formulations of proven safety and efficacy and authorized by regulatory bodies is crucial to guarantee appropriate, broad and targeted vaccination coverage – highlights Roberta Siliquini, full professor of Hygiene at the University of Turin and president of the Italian Society of hygiene, preventive medicine and public health (Sites) – to manage challenges related to the supply and distribution of vaccines, as well as to facilitate adequate compliance with vaccination against SarS-CoV-2”.

#Experts #updated #antiCovid #vaccines

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