Experts predicted a decrease in prices for a number of products after the holidays | News | News

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Izvestia reported a 3-7% rise in prices for a number of goods in Russia by the New Year back in early December last year. It was noted that, first of all, we are talking about food products: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits, sweets and alcohol. Izvestia’s editors found out which products prices will go down after the pre-holiday rush.

Andrey Konnov, CEO of the communication agency Konnov media, said that the fall in prices will affect only some products, primarily perishable ones.

“Retailers will carry out all kinds of promotions. First of all – for holders of loyalty cards, ”he said.

According to the specialist, in connection with the new catch, the fish of the previous catch will become cheaper.

At the same time, he noted that, in general, a decrease in food prices, with the exception of those mentioned, should not be expected. He attributed this to the weakening of the ruble, which is influenced by the policy of the Bank of Russia to strengthen the key rate and sanctions.

“All this spurs the rise in prices for fertilizers and components, agricultural machinery, which is reflected in the cost of products. The anti-sanction policy of Russia in relation to foreign suppliers also affects, ”he added.

Elena Doronkina, a nutrition expert and founder of, a service for the delivery of healthy products, also said that after the New Year holidays, prices in stores could drop. She also linked this with the delivery of a new crop and new receipts to warehouses.

“The leader in reducing prices is sugar, since in Russia its production always outstrips consumption, and some of the products are exported abroad. Pork and poultry meat are in second place in terms of price reductions, due to the fact that after the holidays the demand for them among the population falls. Most likely, seafood, caviar and red fish will become cheaper – the demand for them will decline naturally, ”she said.

The expert added that bakery products, butter, cereals and pasta, for which there is a global rise in prices before the New Year, will also fall in price after the holidays.

At the same time, at the end of December, Izvestia, citing a report from the Ministry of Agriculture to the government, reported that retail prices could rise by February: wheat flour – by 3.7%, bread – by 2.1%, sunflower oil – by 2%. 2% relative to November indicators. While grain and oilseed prices are falling in global markets, manufacturers’ costs continue to rise. If the situation with the coronavirus does not worsen, inflation will begin to slow down by the spring of 2022, economists predicted.

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