Exploding Molecules

by time news

Wf researchers want to find out more about the exact structure of individual molecules, they often use modern scanning probe microscopes. With these instruments, a fine tip scans the surface of a sample, providing an image of its three-dimensional geometry. The scanned molecule remains intact. However, it must be strongly cooled and fixed on a base so that any movement is frozen. It is more difficult for those who want to photograph molecules in the gas phase, because there is not much time to get a snapshot of the volatile compounds. In most cases, only a more ruthless approach can help here: With an intense short laser flash, the molecule is broken down into its individual parts in fractions of a second during the flight. The researchers then reconstruct the original molecular structure from the fragments.

As a result, a molecule is irretrievably destroyed. But you get additional information, for example about its dynamics and the distribution of the charge. So far, the process has only worked for small molecules. The larger the connections become, the more difficult the reconstruction becomes. Researchers have now succeeded for the first time in photographing two relatively complex organic compounds consisting of ten and eleven atoms, respectively.

Coulomb explosion of iodopyridine (C5H4IN) showing the carbon (red) and nitrogen (green) atoms.  The ring appears distorted because the detector registers the momentum of the fragments of the explosion rather than a direct image.  The iodine atom and the hydrogen atoms are not shown for geometric reasons.

Coulomb explosion of iodopyridine (C5H4IN) showing the carbon (red) and nitrogen (green) atoms. The ring appears distorted because the detector registers the momentum of the fragments of the explosion rather than a direct image. The iodine atom and the hydrogen atoms are not shown for geometric reasons.

Photo: European XFEL / Rebecca Boll, To Jahnke

The experiments were carried out at the world’s largest X-ray laser, the “European free-electron laser in the X-ray range”, the European XFEL. For around five years, the facility in Hamburg has been delivering brilliant X-ray flashes that are extremely short, lasting a billionths of a second (femtoseconds). The wavelength of X-rays is roughly the size of an atom. This allows small crystals and individual molecules to be studied in detail in the gas phase.

The physicists working with Rebecca Boll from the XFEL and Till Jahnke from the Goethe University in Frankfurt used iodine pyridine (C5H4IN) and iodopyrazine (C4H3IN2), two aromatic hydrocarbon compounds of a size comparable to that of nucleobases in hereditary molecules. The researchers vaporized the substances and used them to form fine molecular beams. They directed each one into a zone where the X-ray flashes from the XFEL crossed the path of the molecules. The intensity of the radiation pulses was so high that many electrons were snatched from a molecule that was hit. Positively charged atoms remained.

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