Explosion at Apartment Building in Åkersberga Causes Extensive Damage – Stockholm Police on Scene

by time news

– We received several calls about a loud explosion in Åkersberga. It turned out that something has exploded at an apartment building, says Stockholm police spokesperson Anna Westberg.

At five o’clock in the morning, the police have an ongoing operation in the area, among other things to gather information.

– We have a helicopter, dog patrol and other skills out there. Our bomb protection is also coming to the scene, says Westberg.

No one is said to have been injured in the explosion, but it caused extensive damage to the apartment building’s gate.

In front of the gate lies rubble, several planks and shards of glass. In the fenced off area of ​​the courtyard there is a playground and very close by there is also a preschool.

Early in the morning, many of the residents stand out on the balconies and look out over the night’s damage.

According to Westberg, no suspect has been arrested and it is too early to say whether the detonation has any connection to previous serious crimes or conflicts between criminals.

A preliminary investigation into public-dangerous devastation has been initiated.

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