Explosion near the Ministry of Labour: The announcements of the parties

by time news

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The news about the placement and explosion of a bomb near the Ministry of Labour in the early hours of saturday. The parties condemned the incident with their announcements, while the government representative, Pavlos Marinakis, spoke of “a serious blow, which belongs to the serious crime”.

More specifically, Mr. Marinakis, speaking to the OPEN television station, said:

“You understand that we cannot comment or pass judgment on the circumstances under which any explosion occurred. It is obvious that it is one of the most important, at the moment, operations faced by EL.AS. and for the perpetrators and for the causes and for the ramifications.

Obviously it is something very serious, obviously it is something that belongs to what we call “serious crime” and the police, as they have done many times in the past and with very great success in recent years in medium and low crime but also in the detection of many serious crimes.

Once there is specific liability and warning, obviously, the facts are easy to connect. I’m not the one to judge and tell you right now about an ongoing business. Details I do not know and should not know. It’s better to wait and see.”

Explosion near the Ministry of Labour: What the opposition says

“We must not allow anyone to increase the feeling of insecurity and threaten public spaces and human lives,” said the PASOK-Movement of Change MP and head of K.T.E. Citizen Protection, Nadia Giannakopoulou for the explosion near the Ministry of Labour.

As Ms. Giannakopoulou states in her relevant statement, “the explosion of a powerful explosive clock mechanism in the heart of Athens outside a bank and opposite the Ministry of Labor, at the junction of Stadiou and Pesmazoglou streets, creates reasonable concern. With a given series of actions and warning calls recently, the nightmare of terrorism is reviving in our country.

In any case, this action constitutes a common criminal activity and we condemn it unequivocally.

The Government and EL.AS. they have a duty to take every action to find out the terrorist strike that could also have human victims, to identify and arrest the criminals, so that they are punished exemplary.

We must not allow anyone to increase the feeling of insecurity, to threaten public spaces and human lives. Much more, no potential terrorist nostalgic should be allowed to think that our Republic cannot react or that there is room for the development of action that has been condemned by society.”

Accordingly, in its comment on the explosion near the Ministry of Labor, the Press Office of the Central Committee of the KKE notes:

“At a time when people’s and youth’s dynamic struggles against government policy are developing, such actions objectively serve as an alibi for their slander, authoritarianism and repression.”

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