Explosion reported at Banco Azteca ATM due to apparent explosive device

by times news cr

They explode an ATM ​ Azteca Bank ‍in the fractionation Saint ‍Marklocated in the municipality​ of Zempoala, ⁣Hidalgo; It is believed that alleged criminals They blew up the ATM to steal its contents.

Serious structural damage ​left an apparent explosive device in a branch⁣ of Banco Azteca during the early hours of this Wednesday, after reports of the explosion​ by citizens, local security elements⁢ arrived at the location finding evidence of ‌the possible suspects.

Among the evidence found were a ⁢car⁢ battery,‍ nails and cables, so the authorities deduce that the alleged criminals tried to blow up ⁣the ‍ATM‌ with an apparent​ homemade explosive device and steal its contents.

Various reports and witnesses claim that they saw two men flee on a⁤ motorcycle⁢ after the explosion, which is why the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Hidalgo is looking for the ⁣suspects to carry out ‍the‍ corresponding investigations.

Until now, the identity of the subjects who escaped‍ from the scene after the explosion is almost completely⁢ unknown and for now elements of ⁤the⁤ local⁤ and state police secured the⁢ place to expedite the investigations.

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