They explode an ATM Azteca Bank in the fractionation Saint Marklocated in the municipality of Zempoala, Hidalgo; It is believed that alleged criminals They blew up the ATM to steal its contents.
Serious structural damage left an apparent explosive device in a branch of Banco Azteca during the early hours of this Wednesday, after reports of the explosion by citizens, local security elements arrived at the location finding evidence of the possible suspects.
Among the evidence found were a car battery, nails and cables, so the authorities deduce that the alleged criminals tried to blow up the ATM with an apparent homemade explosive device and steal its contents.
Various reports and witnesses claim that they saw two men flee on a motorcycle after the explosion, which is why the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Hidalgo is looking for the suspects to carry out the corresponding investigations.
Until now, the identity of the subjects who escaped from the scene after the explosion is almost completely unknown and for now elements of the local and state police secured the place to expedite the investigations.
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