“Explosions” in the capital after a new drone attack on kyiv…

by time news
08:05: “Wagner continues to play a major role around the city of Bakhmout”, according to the British Ministry of Defense

In its daily update on the situation on the front, the British Ministry of Defense is interested in the Wagner group and its role in the Battle of Bakhmout. But more particularly to the techniques invented to use inexperienced recruits, often released from prison, on the front.

“Individual fighters are likely issued a smart phone or tablet that shows the designated line of advance and assault objective overlaid on commercial satellite imagery. At platoon level and above, commanders likely stay in cover and issue orders by radio, informed by video feeds from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Individuals and sections are ordered to follow the planned route, often with fire support, but less often with armored vehicles. Wagner agents who deviate from their assault route without authorization are likely to be threatened with summary execution,” the British services develop.

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