“Extent of victory”: Vilimsky praises Orban and Salvini

by time news

FPÖ, Lega, Fidesz and Vox demonstrate solidarity: we have to stick together to fight the conservative forces.

MEPs from the FPÖ, Lega, Fidesz and Vox reaffirmed their solidarity on Wednesday evening. “It is very, very important that we work together,” said Hermann Tertsch, member of the far-right Spanish party Vox and deputy leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists group at a panel discussion of the “Identity and Democracy” foundation in Vienna.

You have to “fight these so-called conservative forces”, which – according to Tertsch – are not: “parties that persuade conservative voters that they are defending the family and the borders and, if they are elected, will work well with the Greens and Socialists. But even if you have “many enemies in the West”, you cannot “embrace Putin”. You have to warn about that. “Putin is not one of us. Putin – a good Christian conservative? That’s not true.” Tertsch didn’t get any objection to that.

hopes for Hungary

He can sign anything he hears on the podium, said Harald Vilimsky (FPÖ/Identity and Democracy faction). One looks hopefully to Hungary. “The extent of Viktor Orban’s victory with 54 percent is unique,” said Ernő Schaller-Baross (Fidesz/Non-attached in the EU Parliament). “This is a message to Europe – the Hungarian people have made their decision.” It was a “bad way for the Commission to get involved”.

Because of possible violations of the rule of law in Hungary, the EU Commission officially initiated proceedings to cut EU funds against the country on Wednesday.

The MEPs see Europe in an “enormous crisis” and agreed that “a Europe of strong nation states” is needed. This is how “European values” would be defended. A key issue: migration. Vilimsky praised Matteo Salvini – head of the Italian Lega – who, as Italy’s former interior minister, was “on the right track”. “No boats” could have docked.

“Will be a partner of the Austrian patriots”

Marco Campomenosi (Lega/Identity and Democracy Group) agreed: “Migration could be controlled”. During his time as Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini had issued a ban on sea rescue ships docking in Italian ports – with the Italian coast guard being denied entry.

According to Schaller-Baross, each country must decide for itself how many migrants are to be accepted, said Hungarian MEP Schaller-Baross, criticizing proposals by the EU Commission on Wednesday to make it easier for workers to migrate to the European Union. “We will be a partner of the Austrian patriots,” said Schaller-Baross. His suggestion: more European children. Hungary has not yet reached the goal of 2.1 children per Hungarian – “but we are on the right track”.

Vox MP Tertsch thanked him for this approach. Europe has “a great opportunity,” he said, and was confident that his party would win in early summer. Early elections will take place in Andalusia on June 19th. In 2018, Vox helped the Partido Popular (PP) to power by backing a minority conservative government. The election in early summer is seen as a mood barometer for next year’s parliamentary elections.


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