Extra virgin olive oil to contain blood sugar peaks – time.news

by time news
from Elena Meli

Used as a condiment, especially with carbohydrates, it helps diabetics in the complicated management of blood sugar levels after meals

a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet and for some time science has praised its many, sometimes unexpected, healthy properties. Extra virgin olive oil now turns out to be also excellent for keeping blood sugar peaks low after meals, an effect especially useful for people with diabetes who have to deal with excess glucose in the blood.. This was demonstrated by Gabriele Riccardi, professor of Endocrinology at the Federico II University of Naples, through studies that compared the postprandial glycaemia of people with type 1 diabetes who had consumed extra virgin olive oil or butter as a condiment during the meal: in the first case the glycaemia turned out to be lower and lower, probably thanks to changes in the timing with which the stomach empties, in the absorption of glucose and in the secretion of hormones such as GLP-1 involved in the metabolism of sugars. Adding olive oil during the meal, especially if the dishes are high-glycemic because they are abundant in carbohydrates, significantly inhibits the blood sugar peak after eating, a critical factor in diabetes: glycemic excursions in fact contribute greatly to the lack of control of the disease and in healthy people predispose to the development of type 2 diabetes, because the excessive stimulation of insulin production as a result of the glycemic spikes it can lead to loss of sensitivity to the hormone and then to diabetes.

Quality of fats

To limit the fluctuations in blood sugar after meals, the quantity of carbohydrates consumed is important, but also the quantity and quality of the fats accompanying the dishes. Given the effects on blood sugar after meals, extra virgin olive oil is the optimal condiment for those suffering from diabetes and for those at risk of developing it, says Riccardi. The oil, on a slice of wholemeal bread, can be an alternative for breakfast or a snack, instead of other foods rich in simple sugars.

The mechanism

The creator of the benefits of oil on blood sugar appears to be oleuropein, a molecule contained in olives and leaves which according to surveys conducted at the La Sapienza University of Rome it would be able to increase the amount in circulation of incretins, hormones that reduce blood sugars. Furthermore, according to a recent survey by the University of Catanzaro, in people with diabetes l‘extra virgin olive oil would also have positive effects on the inner wall of blood vessels, improving vascular function which gradually in these patients can be compromised: if we add to this other merits of olive oil, such as thereduction of blood pressure and cholesterol, it becomes clear that using it as a condiment is a good method to reduce the overall cardiovascular and metabolic risk in those with diabetes and beyond. Just be careful with the quantities and preferably eat it raw, as cooking loses some of the antioxidants that contribute to the benefits.

November 28, 2021 (change November 28, 2021 | 21:43)

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