Extractor hoods: advantages and disadvantages of installing them at home

by time news

Getting rid of the smoke generated while cooking food is easier if you have an extractor. These devices contribute to the circulation of air and the reduction of heat in the kitchen.

Extractor hoods: advantages and disadvantages of installing them at home

Last update: February 06, 2023

Among the most useful artifacts in kitchens, extractor hoods stand out. Apart from decoration, it is functionality that attracts the attention of those who they appeal to them as a resource to suck the smoke formed while you prepare food.

You can fix these appliances on the ceiling or on the wall. Some look quite modern and others have a traditional cut. But in any of its types you will find attributes and drawbacks that you deserve to know before buying.

What are extractor hoods?

consumer library refers to range hoods as devices installed above the kitchen for the purpose of extracting smoke. They add, among other benefits, the suppression of grease suspended in the air and the elimination of odors and heat.

In order not to contaminate the environment, the idea is that the smoke that goes outside comes out clean. For this reason they consist of a filter, essential in the steam outlet and to help get rid of contaminants produced by gas stoves; for example, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide.

In its domestic version, the hoods are as useful as in the professional field. In this regard, the industrial magazine HVAC&R explains that during cooking operations ventilation is essential, since they are generally closed rooms.

In addition to the extractors, there are recirculation hoods. That is, they return the purified air to the kitchen. The good thing is that most support both systems on the same device.

They are manufactured in stainless steel, different sizes and innovative designs, so that they are utilitarian and aesthetic.

For homes that enjoy cooking, an extractor hood is key in maintaining hygiene.

Advantages of installing extractor hoods in the house

Apart from renewing the air in the kitchen, extractor appliances extend the life of the rest of the furniture, since they combat the humidity that deteriorates them. Likewise, the probabilities of accumulating mites and mold due to heat decrease.

Below, let’s break down other advantages of installing kitchen area steam hoods:

  • Variety: There are extractors for all tastes and for any style of kitchen. Review the commercial catalogs, seek advice from experts on these devices and take home the one that corresponds to your demands.
  • Suction power: Although most are effective in extracting air, he prefers those that adapt to the dimensions of the kitchen; don’t be swayed only by large volumes or appearance. The secret is in the suction capacity.
  • Use of space: The location of these devices saves space, since they go above the kitchen and to incorporate them you do not modify the distribution of other furniture. Its arrangement is ideal so that the room does not look overloaded, especially if it is small.
  • Style: the traditional ones remain in force, but the decorative bells are competitive. From rustic to minimalist, they fit in with the rest of the furniture. They have light on the burner and they are available in classic silver, black and gold, although it is not unreasonable to find other tones.
  • Easy cleaning: They sell special products for cleaning hoods. Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions. However, homemade degreasers also work. You apply them with a sponge or a loose wool cloth, wet with water and baking soda. You can also use a solution of water and white vinegar.

If the dirt is very encrusted, a toothbrush helps to clean the hoods.

Disadvantages of installing extractor hoods in the house

It is important to know the inconveniences related to the installation of hoods to extract air. It does not mean that there are bad aspects in this investment, but that there are certain details to consider, so that you are not taken by surprise during operation.

We list them right away:

  • Noise: Although not all hoods are excessively noisy, keep in mind that they work with a motor and it tends to be felt. Sometimes the sound interferes with conversations in the kitchen.
  • Precio: There are prices for each pocket, but if you want a decorative bell, it is worth paying more. When the budget is limited, it is convenient to acquire fixed recessed or telescopic extractors, that is, those that you place under the cabinets.
  • Electricity cost: In large kitchens, the “normal” power could be insufficient to extract smoke and odors. If you want to ensure absorption, you have to activate maximum power and its consequences are higher electrical costs and more noise.
  • Maintenance commitment: cleaning the grease from the hoods is a daily responsibility to avoid fire hazards and so that the kitchen does not show an unpleasant appearance. Regularly take out the filters, wash them and, if necessary, replace them with new ones.
The hood filter is not difficult to put on and take off, but it does need periodic attention to prolong the life of the appliance.

How to choose the best extractor hood?

Three keys prevail in the choice of kitchen hoods. One of them is the decorative current of the room, since it visually attracts a hood that matches the rest of the interior design. Whenever funds allow, look for colors, designs and styles according to the trend evident in the room.

The size of the stove, as well as the appliance, influence the successful purchase. Choose the one that measures at least the same width as the kitchen. When installing, check with the technician that the distance between the burners and the extractor is safe; Generally, 70 centimeters when the top is ceramic and 75 centimeters for gas stoves.

Power is the third weight factor. If you want to estimate the capacity of a hood, multiply the square meters of the room by the height; the product, multiply it by 12 again and you will have calculated its suction force. Now that you have the recommendations, would you give your kitchen a hood?

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