Eyal Berkovich: “Not ready to go towards them, don’t change world order”

by time news

The letter sent yesterday (Monday) by Knesset Member Bezalel Smotrich regarding the transfer of the soccer games from Saturdays caused a great stir, as the reactions from the world of sports were not slow to arrive.

In the “Press Stand” the hot topic also came up for discussion, whenEyal Berkovich and Eli Ohana They did not hide their strong opinion on the matter. “I’m not ready to go towards the religious,” the “magician” began his words. “Don’t change our world order. Football has always been on Saturday. Just like Yair Lapid wouldn’t tell them to do Friday prayers on Tuesday.”

The commentator added a criticism of Bezalel Smotrich: “What are you excited about? He only talks. He won’t do anything, because he can’t do anything.” Eli Ohana also joined in on the same note: “I don’t know why you are excited. So Smotrich said. There is now a coalition being built, so he is trying to convey strength. The matter of moving football to weekdays did not start with Smotrich. Remember what happened with Aryeh Deri at the time After they saw that it was not possible, then they simply gave up on it. In any case, most of the football in Israel is not on Shabbat. The one who leads is the Likud, and the Likud will not let that happen.”

Berkovich strengthened Ohana on the political issue: “All the right side of the political map want power, positions, to determine. One thing they are not – they are not stupid. They do not want to hurt the other side, the seculars. They know that in a year or two there could be another time elections”.

On the other hand, Ohana provided a number of advantages to the move, at least from the players’ side: “As a player, you want the Sabbath for your family and children. When I had a Sabbath without football – there is no more fun than that.” In conclusion, Sage: “It won’t happen. It’s statements, talk and nonsense – it’s not him who decides. There’s no way it will pass.”

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