eyesight deteriorates Glaucoma.. the silent threat

by time news

people focus on phone more computer screens Including genetics from both parents who are nearsighted will result in the child being more than 5 times more likely to be nearsighted than the general population.

2nd Thursday of October every year The World Health Organization defines it as “World Sight Day” for member countries around the world to campaign to prevent blindness problems blurred vision It is reported that approximately 7 million people worldwide are blind each year, 80 percent of the causes are preventable.

Most of them are from cataract eye problems. People with visual impairments which in addition to causing suffering in everyday life also cause economic losses

A survey of visually impaired people in Thailand several years ago indicated that five major causes of blindness were cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disease, a disease that causes blindness in children. and corneal disease

Problems with “eyes” are close to the body affecting daily life. It can occur with all genders and ages, including myopia and astigmatism. At the age of 40 years and older, the eyesight will change to presbyopia in people. old age And … when entering the age of 60 years, may face cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration

Nowadays, technology and medical innovations are developing rapidly. Providing screening services, diagnosing and treating symptoms related to eye diseases accurately and efficiently for both children and adults. This will enable patients to restore their vision… have a better quality of life before receiving treatment.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Amporn Chongsereechit Director of the Eye and Lasik Center Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital said that the deterioration of the eyesight in the present era, in addition to the deterioration of the condition For example, childhood has both short-sightedness. Lazy eyes also need to be examined. As you get older, your eyes deteriorate with age, presbyopia, glaucoma, and cataracts.

eyesight deteriorates  Glaucoma.. the silent threat

“Plus in the present era, various diseases Diabetes also affects eyesight, affecting more, including using mobile phones. Studies have shown that if children use mobile phones before the age of 8, they will increase their nearsightedness. Then there may be a problem with the eye muscles. Focusing…is an eye disease that arises from use.”

Eyesight, if used a lot, will deteriorate quickly. Use without resting the eye muscles are deteriorating. Dry…There may be pterygium, pterygium, short-sightedness. A simple preliminary recommendation for eye care is that in the working age group, the 20…20…20 rule is recommended, meaning that the first 20…if working in the face. Screen for 20 minutes, then rest your eyes for 20 seconds…close your eyes. will not dry eyes

Resting will loosen the focusing muscles of the eye, and then, for the last 20 minutes… look out the window. Looking as far as the eye can reach 20 feet or more, reducing the work of the focusing muscles. Refreshing the eyes. Especially looking at the green and blue areas will make your eyes more comfortable…not stressed. reduce headache

Dr. Phichit Kangwonkit Chief Executive Officer of Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital said that the Eye Center and LASIK focuses on bringing technology to treatment. Medical innovations are used to treat, treat, diagnose according to international standards. To upgrade the health service that is efficient, on point, suitable for each service recipient.

Specialized physicians in each field will advise patients on the most appropriate treatment regimen. to allow patients to return to normal life after treatment and does not come back to be sick again

eyesight deteriorates  Glaucoma.. the silent threat

The medical team has expertise in ophthalmology…LASIK. with modern tools Healthcare personnel trained in effective patient care Whether the patient comes with problems with eye diseases, from eye exams Screening for eye abnormalities, vision

Screening for various eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, iritis, including examination for eye diseases in children Cataract surgery and intraocular lens replacement Retinal surgery Eyelid surgery and eye socket ptosis

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amporn emphasized that … problems with eye disease and vision. It can happen to all genders and ages. For visual disorders such as nearsightedness, astigmatism, and congenital farsightedness. At present, ophthalmologists can perform various surgical treatments, including LASIK, Femtolasic, ReLEX, and intraocular lens implantation.

The Eye and LASIK Center develops eye surgery with modern technology. ReLEX CLEAR is used for vision correction surgery.

“ReLEX CLEAR is a bladeless refractive surgery technology using FEMTO, a low-energy nanojoule laser. to separate the cornea layer or open the corneal ulcer It allows the ophthalmologist to adjust the curvature of the cornea to correct the vision accordingly.”

The advantages of low power consumption coupled with the small Focal Volume result in higher re-fire rate and faster…1 Million cycles per second, straight, smooth wound edges, no negative effects on nearby corneal tissue. Next… the automatic pupillary center detection function allows the doctor to shoot the laser light at the point quickly.

eyesight deteriorates  Glaucoma.. the silent threat

It also corrects astigmatism with technology that automatically detects the axis of tilt of the eye…opens a very small corneal wound of 2.6-3.0 millimeters, reducing trauma, reducing dry eyes, making vision clearer faster.

In addition, the efficacy of this technology reduces complications that may arise after surgery, such as dry eyes, low-light vision, and takes only 1 day to 1 week to recover…

The center has also adopted the FEMTO LDV Z8 to enhance the efficiency of cataract surgery using a laser mechanical arm. It is similar to using a robot to assist surgery. In foreign countries, it is called “Femto Robotic Cataract Surgery” based on its outstanding feature of low energy consumption. Reduce trauma to the cornea add to the point for safer performance

Important notice about abnormal “eyesight” It’s best to see a doctor for an eye exam before the age of 6. If possible, get one at a time. Working people may also have dry eye disease. The important thing is that over the age of 40 years, there will be a dangerous “glaucoma” disease that can’t be observed by yourself and can’t be treated by yourself. because there are no symptoms in advance should be checked once a year

Eye pressure must be measured by a doctor only. Glaucoma…is a silent threat. if symptoms when Blurred eyes… almost blind. Treatment can only control the symptoms from getting worse, except for cataracts. macular degeneration You can know… by waking up early, closing your eyes one at a time to look at the edge of the door and window. Which eye do we have abnormally?

“Eyes” are important and must be taken care of regularly. Eat a complete meal take vitamin supplements Carotene is present in orange…yellow…red fruits and vegetables. Helps maintain the functioning of retinal cells that are not easily deteriorated. And be careful of the strong sunlight causing pterygium, cataracts, pterygium…should wear protective sunglasses.

eyesight deteriorates  Glaucoma.. the silent threat

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