Ezentis, the battle that resists the millionaire that Barça endorsed

by time news

MADRIDIt seemed that this time the story would not have a happy ending, but a twist in recent days can make the businessman (and millionaire) José Elías (Badalona, ​​1976) add another victory in the business world. The company Ezentis, of which Elías is the largest owner with 70% of the capital, has been on the loose for many days after the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) rejected the 70 million ransom it requested two weeks ago. . Following the no of the public body, the company’s shares fell by 36%, to the point that each share was worth 0.0555 euro cents, its all-time low.

However, after a week below minimums, rumors of a possible agreement to refinance its debt, which rises to 157 million euros, have led this company on the Ibex-35 to soar in the bag. Now, the value of each of the shares has climbed to 0.10 euro cents. The company, dedicated to telecommunications infrastructure, does not give a damn even though everything led it to get closer and closer to the precipice. Sources close to the company point out to ARA that talks with banks to find a way out of debt continue. “There are alternatives [a la SEPI]there is nothing closed “, insist the same sources, who maintain that they are working” day and night “to find a solution.

For Elías it would be an oxygen balloon considering that he invested up to 40 million euros to get the majority of the capital. “His goal was to re-float the company,” a source close said. In fact, when this Catalan businessman landed the company he found the party soaked: not only a very high debt from previous years, but also accounting irregularities that had left Ezentis mortally wounded.

“He has not had time to do anything,” says a source in the business environment. The truth, however, is that the bet that Elías has made for Ezentis does not stand out, precisely, because it has been a path of roses. In June last year, the millionaire from Badalona already tried to grow this business through a merger with Rocío Servicios Fotovoltaicos, a company that is also his property. Eventually, however, the National Securities Markets Commission (CNMV) canceled the transaction. Ezentis is neither putting nor has he made things easy for a man who since he made the leap to fame, just over a year ago, seems to have been the only one who has pursued him in this life. business, especially if you consider that last year it was ranked 30th on the Forbes list of the 100 richest Spaniards.

Barça’s “unknown” endorser

His name began to make headlines when he appeared in the midst of Barça’s elections. Elías supported the contribution of 35 million to complete the guarantee that Joan Laporta needed to preside over the club. What I didn’t know then, however, was the 1,350 million hole and the negative net worth of 451 million that Josep Maria Bartomeu’s last board had left. Would it have acted differently? The truth is that his history stands out for being that of a man who puts his nose in all kinds of business.

Although he defines himself as a “poor-minded millionaire”, as he said in an interview with the SER, the pillow he accumulates pushed him to launch Orus Energía, a marketer through which he would buy Catalan energy that listed on the Audax Renovables Stock Exchange (current owner). Then came a takeover bid for Fersa Energies Renovables and investments in a string of companies. The latest major acquisition is the purchase of 100% frozen La Sirena. Pillow of rich, but mentality of poor, Elijah always repeats. “If I were rich I would have a collection of Ferraris in the garage, and I only have one. I wanted the Ferrari for the day to day, to go to Mercadona,” he defended in the SER, where he said that “they see me as a slap , as an outsider in the business world “.

Despite the obstacles that have been presented to him with Ezentis, Elías has to re-eyebrow the company, says the environment. “Don’t make me walk if I can fly!”, summarizes your WhatsApp status. Although he doesn’t do it in person. The businessman, who has declined to explain to ARA how he is living the company’s financial situation, is not directly leading this tug-of-war to refinance the debt, but the two directors he has at Ezentis are doing it. on his behalf: Anabel López Porta and Eduard Romeu Barceló.

Sources in the company’s environment insist on the potential of the company and recall the large business it has in Spain. In fact, the company has many existing contracts with other Ibex-35 giants such as Telefónica. “Banks are aware that it cannot be abandoned [tirada] overnight such a company ”, they point out. In any case, the coming weeks will be key to whether or not Elias joins arms with the financial sector, another victory in his business record.

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