F16 crashed in Halkidiki, the pilot is safe

by time news

F-16 ©Eurokinissi

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At noon on Wednesday it fell F-16 her Air Force on the island of Psathura, the island of Psathura, south of it Halkidiki. Initial reports indicate that the pilot has ejected and is safe. Eyewitnesses saw a parachute near the scene.

The F-16 fighter had taken off from Larissa and its fall occurred at 13:33 in the afternoon.

The pilot will first be transferred to Lemnos for first aid and then to the 251 General Aviation Hospital.

The announcement of the GEA

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 1:29 p.m., an F-16 Block 52+ single-seater aircraft of the 337 Squadron, 110 Fighter Wing (FM), which was performing a training flight, crashed in the sea area of ​​Psathouras.

A search and rescue operation is underway for the operator. 1 Super Puma helicopter from the 130th Battle Group, 1 Navy S-70 helicopter, 1 CL-415 from the 113AM are rushing to the area and the “Aegean” Frigate is heading to the area, while 1 C-130 is on full alert.

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