Fabien Roussel in “Le Monde”, spades and slaps

by time news

En finish with “the left of allowances [et] social minima” : the departure of the National Secretary of the Communist Party, on September 10, in the middle of the Huma Day, caused deep indignation on the left. Green MP Sandrine Rousseau replied to him on September 15: “work value” is “still a right value”. If the French are familiar with his sense of the formula since the last presidential campaign, Fabien Roussel, 53, has long been a discreet politician. He was almost 35 when The world writing his name for the first time.

The review is modest: its elimination in the canton of Lille-Sud-Ouest is mentioned on March 23, 2004 in the notebook devoted to the results of the cantonal elections. The next day, the Lille candidate is again quoted by the newspaper. Asked about Alain Bocquet, the president of the communist group in the National Assembly, he described the one for whom he was then parliamentary attaché: “ He also has madness. This is important for a utopian party. » A portrait which, twenty years later, could be his.

It is from 2015 that the municipal councilor of Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (North) builds a national stature. The spectacular progress of the FN in Hauts-de-France makes it an essential local political actor. On November 30, 2015, Olivier Faye describes the regional campaign of the candidate born on April 16, 1969 in Béthune. For this ex-freelance journalist on television committed to the side of the Left Front, “the nature of the campaign has not changed: the issues of employment and purchasing power are still at the heart of people’s concerns. »

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A little over a year later, on December 12, 2016, Laurie Moniez looks back on the balance sheet of the winner: Xavier Bertrand. Fabien Roussel confides “that he has more contact with the new right-wing president than with the old left-wing one”. “He is present and accessible. » Not sectarian, the deputy is also close to Gérald Darmanin. On September 22, 2018, in a portrait devoted to the then Minister for Action and Public Accounts, Fabien Roussel, who is his “great buddy”confirms that he often finds him at the bistro: “He’s a very nice guy… And very liberal. It is annoying… “

“Eco-coco and Bolshevik”

Articles about him multiplied after the fall of 2018 when he succeeded Pierre Laurent at the head of the French Communist Party. “Aged 49, Mr. Roussel was elected deputy of the 20e North constituency in June. (…) He embodies an “identity” line at the PCF, affirming loud and clear the will of the party to emerge from the shadow of La France insoumise”describe The world on November 21, 2018. On November 25, when he was officially elected as the leader of the party, The world remembered from his first speech “his solidarity with the yellow vests” as well as its commitment to give “as the objective for the communists to become “ecolo-cocos” “. His taste for the show is described on May 17, 2019, when he intervenes at the Paris meeting of Ian Brossat, head of the PCF list for Europeans: “’To make the ecological transition, let’s get out of capitalism,’ summarized Mr. Roussel. And to launch in front of a hilarious room: “We are ‘ecolo-cocos’ and ‘Bolsheviks’!” »

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