Fabien Roussel passes the first stage of the PCF congress with flying colors

by time news

In pure contrast to the uncertainties experienced in recent days by the Socialists, the Communists gave, on Sunday January 29, an unambiguous score to the leadership of the French Communist Party (PCF), for the first stage of its 39e congress, scheduled for April 7 to 10 in Marseille. Two orientation texts had been put up for vote in the local sections since Friday, that of the management led by Fabien Roussel and an alternative text signed by former party leaders (Pierre Laurent, Marie-Georges Buffet) but also the trend “unionist” and anxious to update the fights of the PCF, carried in particular by the deputy of Hauts-de-Seine, Elsa Faucillon.

The first was adopted by 81.92%, the second gathered 18.08% of the votes, in a poll with nearly 30,000 voters and 42,000 registered. Fabien Roussel, referring to the “democratic vitality” of the party, hailed in a speech to activists “a clear, massive, strong, determined choice”. “The Communist Party is establishing itself as an important and unavoidable political force”he said, promising renewed mobilization in the “decisive social battle for the future of the country” against pension reform.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers Fabien Roussel: “I assume to defend the labor party”


For Ian Brossat, right-hand man of the national secretary, this vote acts a “plebiscite” of its visibility strategy. “The Communists are very happy with the evolution of their party and satisfied with the work carried out by Fabien Roussel, he has given new air, pride. » In recent weeks, by organizing a unitary meeting in January against the pension reform, the deputy from the North – who does not miss an opportunity to distinguish himself from Jean-Luc Mélenchon – had taken the trouble to extinguish the criticisms of isolationism formulated against him. “For communists to vote against their leadership, you really need massive discontent”analyzes a member of the national council.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Communist Party: the opposition to Fabien Roussel is organized for the congress

Only a handful of federations have placed the alternative text in the lead, including the consequent Seine-Saint-Denis (54% for the text), but also Bas-Rhin and Yonne. Nathalie Simonnet, departmental secretary of the PCF in Seine-Saint-Denis, “take note of the score”and plans to continue enrolling “in a process of amendment and construction”while regretting “the little time left for discussion”. She raises “a lot of satisfaction with the fact that Roussel appears in the media and that it gives visibility to the party”. According to her, “many communists think that it is an important element and that we must continue. » That is what the member from the north plans to do.

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