Face to face. Milei and Macri plan to meet this week and in both terminals there is caution due to the progress of an agreement. A first conclave between the President and the former president is approaching; There is hardly any concrete progress due to the internal situation of Pro and the Government’s reluctance to hand over a share of power; the role of BullrichPoliticsBy Maia Jastreblansky

by times news cr

Javier Miley y Mauricio Macri They have every intention of meeting next week. Nobody wants to talk about the day or place, but the former president – who will return from his Patagonian retirement and arrive in Buenos Aires tomorrow – He has already suspended the interviews he had planned to prioritize his talk with the President.

Mercy, For his part, he has a busy agenda. On Monday he will visit Corrientes invited to the congress of the Freedom Club Foundation (they say he will be in the province for very few hours and only for that event). And at some point during the week he will do a whirlwind trip to Washington to participate in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC, according to its acronym in English), the most important annual meeting of the North American right. The event (which for some years now became a trumpfest) will take place between Wednesday the 21st and Saturday the 24th. However, at Casa Rosada they point out that it is most likely that Milei will only participate for one day, and it is not even confirmed that there is a photo with Donald Trump.

The head of state must take care of the times and the forms, because on Friday the 23rd the Secretary of State of the United States will arrive in the country, Antony Blinken, a very high-level official in Joe Biden’s administration. The idea is for Milei to return to Buenos Aires in time to receive it.

Despite the busyness of the presidential schedule, the expectation is that Milei and Macri will complete this week a first face to face approach -by cell phone they are in regular contact- to exchange visions and intentions regarding a possible deeper integration between La Libertad Avanza (LLA) and Pro. “They are going to look for a place on the agenda for the meeting to happen,” they said near one of them.

Press conference by Patricia Bullrich and Cúneo LibaronaRicardo Access

Long and complex path

The road to a formal alliance, however, is expected to be long and complex. Nobody believes that a definitive resolution will emerge from the first conclave. “They still don’t know how to execute the agreement. “Mauricio does not want to lose the identity of Pro. And Javier does not want them to take over his government,” said an early libertarian. So things are, In neither of the two terminals is there much of a rush to complete convergence.

In Pro they point out that first the game has to be organized and define drivers and roles. “We cannot reach an agreement with LLA that is disunited and disorganized,” said an important deputy of the bloc. Among libertarians, the lack of urgency is due to reservations about the scope of the agreement. There is a lot of reluctance at Milei’s small table to give up a share of power.

“It has to happen naturally from the bottom up. Until the territory is organized, nothing can be advanced with Pro,” a member of the first presidential ring told THE NATION.

Those who spoke with Macri in the last hours point out that for him “First there is Pro and then the alliance with LLA.” The former president It is assumed that he will be the president of the party he founded. He believes that at the end of the day that will depend on its own weight. “Mauricio is the natural leader of the party, I don’t think finally (Patricia) Bullrich is encouraged to dispute that place. Milei knows that this is the case and that is why she is going to sit down and talk to him,” said an important Macrista leader from the first hour.

The Minister of Security has been warning that no one, not even Macri, today represents all of Pro. “If Mauricio wants to subject Patricia to her, it won’t work. There has to be a distributed construction. If Mauricio is the president of the party, she has to be the president of the assembly, for example,” pointed out a member very loyal to the official. And she launched: “Patricia is now a mileista, she defends the Government without conditions. On the other hand, Mauricio does speculate with his second half.”

President Javier Milei is interviewed by LN+ journalists
President Javier Milei is interviewed by LN+ journalistsLN+

With the tension between Macri and Bullrich still very hot, Milei doesn’t want to be in the middle of them. This was conveyed to a senior official in recent days. The President is delighted with the performance of his minister and believes that she defends the Government out of conviction. But he also wants to preserve her bond with the former president, who is in a good moment after some disagreements. Even more so if he is finally enthroned at the head of his party.


“What Mauricio wants is to advance little by little in an integration to give political strength to Milei and hope that he does well. And that involves Congress and the Executive. “It is not asking for positions, but helping in places where they are not having dynamism in management,” said one of the former president’s regular interlocutors.

Close to Macri they assure that at no time did the former president ask for places of power in the cabinet, or changes on the front page of the Government. However, In the macrista firmament, veiled criticism of some members of the presidential small table is heard.

There are questions to the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, for the efforts it makes to expand the spectrum of the Government’s allies towards Peronism. There is criticism of the strategist Santiago Caputo because he usually defends libertarian purity and because he considers that Pro will accompany the reforms even when no concessions are made. And some are already pointing to the Chief of Staff, Nicolas Posse, for management reasons and also because he is reluctant to open the floodgates of the Executive to allies.

María Soledad Acuña with Mauricio Macri
María Soledad Acuña with Mauricio Macri

Milei has already warned internally that the most prominent places in the cabinet are untouchable as a way to protect themselves. When it comes to filling boxes, the President has been showing other priorities. To the considered, For example, there will be a technical team that “He is not identified with any party,” they said in the Casa Rosada. It will be necessary to see if the head of state grants places to Pro in the area of infrastructure, which is always of interest to Macri.

A Pro representative replied: “Those who are close to Javier believe that they can have us for free. The problem is commitment. The time for more serious integration is now. “Let them not look for us when they are in a moment of weakness.”

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“Inheritance of the caste model.” Javier Milei’s reaction to the 57.4% poverty rate that the UCA measured in January

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