“Faced with incest, we ask for clear protection for the child as soon as he takes the risk of expressing what he has experienced”

by time news

Lon February 9, theNational Assembly voted unanimously for the bill tabled by Socialist MP Isabelle Santiago on the withdrawal and suspension of parental authority in situations of incest and domestic violence. And everyone to congratulate each other, to show compassion and understanding for the child victims.

But, looking at it more closely, the legislator has still been very timid in calling into question the sacrosanct parental authority and, in these specific situations, most often the paternal authority. The voted text provides for the suspension of the parental authority of the parent prosecuted for crimes and misdemeanors committed on his child, in particular incestuous offences.

It seems common sense that the child no longer resides with the person who is suspected of mistreating it, of raping it, at the risk of the mistreatment continuing.

It seems common sense that this parent no longer has the right to prevent psychological help for his traumatized child, to forbid him contact with the people who helped him, to decide on his educational orientation, the choice of his sports activity…

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Incest: MEPs address the sensitive issue of parental authority

It seems common sense that this protection be put in place as soon as possible.

Facing the denounced parent

When a child reveals an incest, he breaks an imperious taboo, the silence of all which has allowed for centuries that this betrayal of fathers and mothers to their parental mission is perpetuated. The child is alone faced with this incredible choice: to speak at the risk of dying, to be silent at the risk of dying – 50% of incest victims have made at least one suicide attempt, according to our Ipsos survey. He is like someone who throws himself from the top of a burning building rather than remaining a prisoner of the flames. He makes the foolish bet that someone will be there to keep him from crashing to the ground.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “Is it in the interest of children to see a violent parent continue to exercise parental authority? »

But, according to the text of the law passed on February 9, we will not be there from the start, as soon as his word breaks the omerta and leaves him without defense or hiding place against the denounced parent. He will have to continue to reside with this relative or to visit him. The parent he has denounced will thus have full latitude to intimidate him, make him feel guilty, even terrorize him, as long as the prosecutor has not started the proceedings. Retractions, omission of certain facts, repeated refuge in silence are to be feared…

Cases of incestuous rape are, at 73%, dismissed.

We dared to hope that the suspension of the parental authority of the parent suspected of incest would take place from the start of the preliminary investigation, before the child hits the ground.

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