Faced with medical deserts, the challenge of “collective responsibility”

by time news

Can we fight against medical deserts and improve access to care, made a political priority at the start of Macron’s second five-year term, by playing the card of a better « coordination » in the field ?

The strategy of sharing (or even delegating) skills between doctors, medical and paramedical staff no longer, at first sight, looks like a “red rag”. Less, in any case, than the coercion to the installation defended by certain elected officials but rejected, en bloc, by the doctors. It is also favored by the Ministry of Health and, officially, also by actors in the field. In principle, everyone seems to agree to better “coordinate” and free up “caregiver time” – rare are those, in any case, who say they are against, at a time when six million French people have no no attending physician.

But in reality? Difficult to understand, at this stage, who is ready to delegate what. More than two months after their meeting within the liaison committee of ordinal institutions, the health orders concerned (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, etc.) are slow to position themselves collectively. They had closed ranks this summer: in a press release dated July 20, they recalled the“Importance of working together to develop the patient care pathway and respond to the difficulties of access to healthcare professionals”. A « car holder », depending on the shared version. Self-referral “very supportive”we breathe from the Avenue de Ségur.

” Take his responsibilities “

Their copy was expected for the end of September. It should be formalized ” very shortly “, we are assured in the ranks of the said committee. “Two weeks late, in view of the changes under discussion, it is to be put into perspective”justifies a participant.

Hurry up. On the sidelines of the inauguration of the “health” component of the National Council for Refoundation, on October 3 in Le Mans, the Minister of Health and Prevention, François Braun, made it known that the government was ready to ” take his responsibilities “ lack of agreement between caregivers. In front of an audience of Sarthois health actors, François Braun recalled the situation of impasse in which many French people find themselves. In a department like Sarthe, the number of private general practitioners is 59 per 100,000 inhabitants, against 85 per 100,000 on the national average.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers It is necessary “to promote the particular practice of medicine in medical deserts by creating internships before internship”

Or, des “levers” exist, defended the minister. Leverage of “medical assistants”, these personnel who, by taking charge of administrative tasks and technical gestures, make it possible to accommodate up to 10% more patients per doctor. Their number should be increased to 10,000 by 2025 – against just under 4,000 to date – promised the minister. Other levers invoked, health centers and professional territorial health communities that promote “coordinated exercise”, according to the agreed expression, and make it possible to attract health personnel to isolated territories. The Ministry has set itself the objective, by the end of 2023, of « mailers » the whole territory. “This is the organization through which we will win the bet of collective responsibility”, hammered François Braun.

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