Faced with tax, the French still critical but less than before

by time news

2023-06-16 05:30:31

How has the consent of the French to taxes evolved, after six years of Macron’s presidency, but also over the whole decade? This is the question that an Ipsos-Sopra Steria study, carried out for the International Foundation for Public Finance (Fondafip), a research think tank on the subject, attempts to answer. The world. The first edition dated from October 2013, a few months after the expression of the « ras-le-bol fiscal » released by the Minister of the Economy at the time, Pierre Moscovici, to qualify the tax increases of the five-year Hollande period, which themselves followed those of the Fillon government. The second edition of the survey took place at the end of 2018, at the beginning of the social movement of the “yellow vests”.

So that between the photo of 2023, where consent to tax still appears fragile, and the “movie” of the decade, nuances appear. “We see very critical constants with regard to tax, but also the beginning of a shift on the subject”, summarizes Brice Teinturier, Deputy CEO of Ipsos. On the side of the constants, the fact of paying one’s taxes is not considered as a “citizen act” than by 59% of respondents, compared to 54% in 2018 and 57% in 2013. This is particularly the case for the majority of retirees, CSP + or even left-wing sympathizers (including 73% of Nupes sympathizers) or the presidential majority (77%). Conversely, 41% of respondents do not see it as a citizen act, including more than half of RN sympathizers (59%) and employees and workers (53%).

A majority of respondents (63%) express the feeling of contributing too much to the tax system in view of the benefits they derive from it, and the use of taxes by public authorities remains widely criticized (for 73% of respondents, taxes are “misused”). This last answer particularly concerns people living in rural areas (83% of them) and RN supporters. Also constant is the negative perception of certain taxes, such as inheritance tax, which 74% of those questioned consider “unjustified”just like the audiovisual license fee (68%), the CSG (61%) or the VAT (51%).

Stronger hostility to fraudsters

The resentment against “those who profit from the system” as opposed to “those who make an effort” has increased in five years: it is validated by 46% of respondents compared to 35% in 2018. Hostility to fraudsters is also on the rise: it speaks to 34% of respondents (and even 44% of majority supporters) compared to 24% five years ago. Nearly one in two left-wing sympathizers (48%) subscribe to the assertion: “Taxes are falling for the richest but not for the most modest”. Finally, the government’s fiscal policy is perceived as not or not at all “in line with campaign commitments” (59% of respondents), nor “beneficial for growth” (64%) and unfair (72%). It is considered to penalize above all for the middle classes (70% of those polled think so) and the working population (67%, i.e. 8 points more than in 2018).

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