facing Emmanuel Macron, employers want to leave time for negotiation

by time news

2023-04-18 20:34:33

The employers’ organizations were received at the Élysée by Emmanuel Macron this Tuesday, April 18. STEPHANIE LECOCQ / REUTERS

Received by the Head of State at the Elysée during a meeting boycotted by the unions, the employers’ organizations nevertheless welcomed the presidential will to renew social dialogue.

After his televised address Monday evening, Emmanuel Macron received employers at the Elysée Palace at 11 a.m. Tuesday morning. The representatives of Medef, CPME and U2P spoke for a long time with the President of the Republic, in particular to discuss the “Work life pact“, announced Monday by the President of the Republic, who has given himself 100 days to move forward on this project, as well as that of justice and progress. And to relaunch his five-year term after the difficult sequence of pension reform.

Moreover, although invited around the table, the trade unions boycotted the meeting. Having been unable to obtain the famous “decency delaydemanded of the head of state before the law was promulgated, they denounced the contempt of a president whose remarks last night “demonstrate that he still has not understood the anger expressed in the country».

Faced with the representatives of the employers’ organizations who responded, the president wished to leave time for social negotiation, on all the subjects that could be the subject of negotiations, in particular on the aspects of the pension reform challenged by the Constitutional Council. He thus mentioned the employment of seniors, but also the salary, the working conditions, the professional retraining, the professional wear and tear, the working time suffered, the chopped careers, announcing to leave to the social partners “until the end of the year to discuss“to negotiate this”work life pact».

«What we understood is that the president wants to better involve the social partners in future discussions, in particular on the employment of seniors and what has been removed by the Constitutional Council (from the pension reform, editor’s note.)“, explained Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux at the end of the meeting. During the meeting, the Chairman also mentioned professional transitions, careers in companies as well as the forthcoming arrival of a law on the sharing of value, referring more generally to his desire to “better associate the social partners by letting them workclarified the boss of bosses.

A desire to renew the social dialogue, which the U2P also welcomed, which “welcomes the will displayed yesterday by the President of the Republic, to put in place a new method which is based more on the search for compromise between representatives of companies and employees».

Unions are waiting

However, “we are waiting for the unions to come backdeclared the president of Medef, who indicated that he did not want to wait until May 1 (the date before which the unions do not wish to resume dialogue with the government) to contact the trade union organizations in order to “see what we can agree on to negotiate“. François Asselin, the president of the CPME, meanwhile, mentioned the possibility of a meeting “where everyone is invitedfrom the week of May 8. In any case, in terms of the calendar, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux reaffirmed that “100 days is too short to come to conclusions and have time to negotiate.».

Reason why, perhaps, the president wished to leave to the social partners “until the end of the yearto bring the discussions to a conclusion. Knowing that the two national interprofessional agreements signed in the middle of the pension reform sequence – that on the sharing of value and that on the ecological transition in business – took between 7 and 9 months to succeed. “What came out of this meeting is valuable. We dare to believe in a change of method on the part of the president“said Jean-Christophe Repon, vice-president of the U2P in charge of social dialogue.

#facing #Emmanuel #Macron #employers #leave #time #negotiation

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