failure affects circulation on Line 15-Silver

by time news

2023-10-06 15:42:05

A failure on line 15-Silver interrupted user transport this Friday morning, the 6th, in São Paulo.

The operation came to a complete standstill. The Support Plan between Companies in Emergency Situations (Paese) system was activated. As a result, 20 vehicles were placed on the streets, which, however, did not support the demand.

Read more: “Union proposes suspension of the Metro strike in São Paulo”

The circulation of trains on the stretch between São Lucas and Jardim Colonial stations was compromised. The problem began at 4:50 am, and transport resumed at 9:10 am, according to Metro.

The affected line operates between Vila Prudente and Vila União, via a single route, and from Vila União to São Mateus, via both routes. Circulation was normal between São Mateus and Jardim Colonial, according to the g1 portal.

Problems are common in this line

The line operates between Vila Prudente and Vila União | Photo: Reproduction/Metrô

The Silver Metro line, opened in August 2014, has already recorded more than 27 failures in 2023 alone.

On January 13, a crack was discovered in the structure where train tires pass. At the time, the Metro had also found a detachment of concrete on the road. Train circulation was interrupted for six hours at six stations.

Read more: “Union discusses new Metro strike in São Paulo”

The incidents put the integrity of the population at risk, such as the one that occurred on September 22, 2022. Pieces of concrete fell onto the cycle path on Avenida Anhaia Mello, in the east zone.

According to Metro, it was not a piece of the beam, but rather an excess layer of cement, removed during maintenance. The risk of someone getting hurt, however, was imminent.

Such situations led the Public Prosecutor’s Office to investigate, since 2020, the sequence of problems in the monorail’s operation. An expert opinion was requested, as reported by g1.

Within the Paese system, the 15-Silver line has been the champion in activations since 2015.

A survey carried out by producer Abrahão de Oliveira, from TV Globo, reports that, in the last five years, the subway activated the Paese System 346 times. Of these, 209 were for line 15-Silver and 136 calls were emergency.

#failure #affects #circulation #Line #15Silver

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