Fake carabinieri scam elderly motorists, to unmask them are the … real ones – time.news

by time news

PENS. They cheated the elderly by pretending to be carabinieri, but father and son, aged 55 and 34, residing in the Province of time.news, were identified and reported for usurpation of public functions, theft and fraud. The two pretending to be soldiers of the Arma approached elderly people on board their cars, contesting infringements of the highway code and asking for sums of money in order not to proceed with the sanctions provided. In some cases they even went to the home of the victim pretending to carry out searches aimed at the theft of valuables and money.

It had happened at the beginning of February to an elderly man from Penne, who, while he was traveling around the town in his car, was seen flanked by two people, who qualifying as Carabinieri had invited him to stop and show the documents. The scammers, first managed to get the sum of 100 euros delivered to avoid a fine and then with the excuse of carrying out a search they were able to break into the house stealing 920 euros, the entire amount of the pension.

After a few days, in Nocciano, with the same system, they had approached another elderly person and convinced him to take them home to check the documents he had forgotten and only thanks to the crossing with a patrol of “real” carabinieri the scammers they were forced to desist.

During the investigation it was found that, again in the first days of February, the two had tried another scam against an elderly woman from Collecorvino.

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