Fake Lawyers and Plumbers in Action, Frauds against Elderly for Over 10,000 Euros

by time news

Five scams targeting elderly people living in the city center and on the outskirts of the city were carried out during the last days of last weekend. The elderly people who were defrauded were robbed of tens of thousands of euros in total.

To these five scams we must also add two attempted scams that we reported last weekend. Two different “scripts” were “staged”. In a couple of cases the thieves passed themselves off as the fake lawyer and the fake policeman or carabiniere, in the other three cases they instead passed themselves off as the fake plumber and the fake member of the police force. The first two scams earned the criminals about 10 thousand euros each, with the fake plumber scam the criminals instead took away up to twenty thousand euros.

Victims aged between 70 and 90 years old

Scams made even more odious by the fact that the victims were all elderly people between the ages of 70 and 90 and therefore weaker and less able to defend themselves. The scammers in all cases spoke in perfect Italian and were described as being between the ages of 20 and 40 and with a white complexion.

Fake Lawyers and Plumbers in Action, Frauds against Elderly for Over 10,000 Euros

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